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Cleanup Sponsor Visit June 16 and 17, 2003



Cleanup: Mr. Kiyoshi Kunii, Jun Hamada, Muneharu Yoshida, Toshiyuki Takasaki, Yumiko Mori

CI: Ted Selker, Hiroshi Ishii, Barbara Wheaton, Connie Cheng, Winslow Burleson, Leonardo Bonanni, Ken Giesecke, James Griffith

During the two-day visit, brainstorming sessions were held to discuss various technologies in domestic kitchens and the user's experience with the goal of making the kitchen a more attractive place to be. Topics included safety, universal access, social interaction, and the experience of cooking itself. Existing appliances were evaluated and ideas exchanged as to how they may be better integrated into the kind of experiences desired at home.


                                                                          powerpoint presentation

                                                                          project posters and concept sketches


Monday, June 18, 2003

8:30 am     Breakfast   
9:00am      Clean-up Presentations        
10:15am    Break
10:30am    Introduction Brainstorming Session, Ted   Selker
                  Introduction of Media Lab People
                  Recap of Brainstorming Ideas from Session in Japan
11:30am    Break
11:45am    Lunch                     
12:30pm    Brainstorming Session            
3:00pm      Recipe Interactive TV, Mike Bove
3:30pm      Recipe Translation System, Deb Roy
4:00pm      Affective Computing, Rosalind Picard
4:40pm      Responsive Environments, Joe Paradiso
5:10pm      Tangible Media, Hiroshi Ishii
5:50pm      Counter Intelligence, Ted Selker







Tuesday, June 17, 2003

10:00am    E-Ink tour in Cambridge
11:30am    Faculty Presentations 
                  Ted Selker
                  Joe Jacobson             
                  Mike Bove
                  Scott Manalis Joe Paradiso

                  Barbara Wheaton
12:40pm     Lunch and Brainstorming Session
                  Project Definition
3:00pm      Break
3:15pm      Brainstorming - Project Solidification & Next Steps
6:00pm      Adjourn