The Lizzy

MIThril, a borglab production. Richard W. DeVaul, Jonathan Gips, Michael Sung, Sandy Pentland

the first MIT general-purpose wearable The Lizzy was designed by Thad Starner and Doug Platt at the MIT Media Lab back in 1992/3

Lizzy Overview

The Lizzy is a PC/104 based wearable computer designed to be a robust general purpose wearable computing system, with enough horse power to be a useful tool, while having low enough power consumption to run for 10 hours. The Lizzy was originally created to provide a platform which could be used for general-purpose wearable computing applications.

Lizzy Hardware Specifications

  • 486/100MHz to 586/150MHz Ampro PC/104 core
  • 720 x 280 monochrome Private Eye display
    • or Micro Optical QVGA greyscale glasses display (pictured)
    • or Liquid Image M1 display QVGA greyscale
  • Twiddler one-handed keyboard
  • Sony NP-F730 or NP-F950 batteries (up to ~20 hours battery life)
  • Highly reconfigurable

History of the Lizzy Name

Lizzy comes from a talk David Ross (Atlanta Veteran's Administration R&D) gave at the Boeing workshop about how the Model T Ford was nicknamed the "Tin Lizzy." Everyone adapted it to whatever task needed to be done: winching wagons, pumping water, taking the family to church, etc. "It is my hope that these instructions will enable folks to make wearables that do tasks we never imagined." From: Lizzy Homepage

Lizzy Legacy

The Lizzy served as a playground for new wearable computing applications. Specifically it provided the ability to investigate and test context aware application agents.
A Short History of Wearable Computers
Bradford J Snow and Richard W. DeVaul
The second annual "I Wanna Be a Cyborg" event, a borglab production.