M. Alex O. Vasilescu  

Media Coverage

  • Research Grant - "A Multilinear (Tensor) Algebraic Framework for Multifactor Manifold Learning With Applications to Image Science", 2-Year National Academies KeckFutures Initiative Grant, National Academies of Science 2011-2013.
  • Research Grant - "Robust and Accurate Face Recognition in Real Life Conditions", Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency (IARPA) Small Collections Office Research Grant 2010-2011.
  • Research Grant - "Integrated Analysis and Synthesis for Data Mining in a Video Network" IIS – ROBUST INTELLIGENCE: NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION (NSF), July 1, 2009–June 30, 2012.
  • Computer World - Cover Story. - March 28, 2005.

  • Human Motion Signatures and TensorFaces in the Washington Times. - March 4, 2004.

  • Human Motion Signatures in the New York Times - October 10, 2003

  • NYC ACM Siggraph and Metropolitan College Animation Festival screens TensorTextures - September 30, 2003.
    New School's Tishman Auditorium, 66 West 12th Street at 7pm - September 30, 2003.
    TensorTextures animation by M. Alex O. Vasilescu
                                                Jared M. Silver
                                                Demetri Terzopoulos

  • Vasilescu named MIT's Technology Review Top 100 Young Scientists - September 15, 2003
        Related Media Coverage
        Related Awards
  • Vasilescu was recognized with the Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin La Grande Dame 2003 Woman of Distinction Award,
    October, 2003
  • TensorTextures in the news. - August 28, 2003

  • High school intern wins ISEF awards - May 2003.

    Tonislav Ivanov an intern at MRL and a senior at Stuyvesant High School has won major awards at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, which was held last week in Cleveland. Toni's project was entitled:

    "TensorFaces: A Multilinear Model for Computerized Face Recognition and Image Processing"

    It won an:

    • Intel Foundation Achievement Award for outstanding work in any field,
    • Eastman Kodak Company first prize,
    • American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Award for the best projects in computer science with an AI component, etc.
    • Total: $7,000 in prize money.

    In qualifying for the Intel ISEF, Toni and his project also won several awards at the regional level, such as the New York Academy of Sciences First Award.

  • TensorFaces research funded by the Department of Defense's TSWG for Combating Terrorism
    October, 2002

    News - M. Alex O. Vasilescu

    M. Alex O. Vasilescu  

    Media Coverage


    • Computer World - Cover Story. - March 28, 2005

    • Human Motion Signatures and TensorFaces in the Washington Times. - March 4, 2004

    • Vasilescu was recognized with the Veuve Clicquot Posardin La Grande Dame 2003 Woman of Distinction , Diageo, Canada
      October, 2003

    • Human Motion Signatures in the New York Times. - October 10, 2003

    • NYC ACM Siggraph and Metropolitan College Animation Festival screens TensorTextures - September 30, 2003.
      New School's Tishman Auditorium, 66 West 12th Street at 7pm - September 30, 2003.
      TensorTextures animation by M. Alex O. Vasilescu
                                                  Jared M. Silver
                                                  Demetri Terzopoulos

    • Vasilescu named MIT's Technology Review Top 100 Young Scientists.
      September 15, 2003

    • TensorFaces in the news. - September 15, 2003

    • TensorTextures in the news. - August 28, 2003

    • High school intern wins ISEF awards! - May 2003.

      Tonislav Ivanov an intern at MRL and a senior at Stuyvesant High School has won major awards at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, which was held last week in Cleveland. Toni's project was entitled:

      "TensorFaces: A Multilinear Model for Computerized Face Recognition and Image Processing"

      It won an:

      • Intel Foundation Achievement Award for outstanding work in any field,
      • Eastman Kodak Company first prize,
      • American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Award for the best projects in computer science with an AI component, etc.
      • Total: $7,000 in prize money.

      In qualifying for the Intel ISEF, Toni and his project also won several awards at the regional level, such as the New York Academy of Sciences First Award.

  • TensorFaces research funded by the Department of Defense's TSWG for Combating Terrorism - Oct. 2002
