Room With A View
Winslow Burleson

Room with A View (RWAV( is a scenario prototype which demonstrates a social collaborative working environment. A special Kitchen table, tablet "viewboards", and projected wall work together to translate desktop computing into the familiar physical scenario of an office. A projected desktop with imagery such as that found in an old office (e.g. things hanging on the wall, things sitting on shelves, things lying on the desk) provides accessibility to items simply by reaching over to "grab" them. The messy desk metaphor is transformed into a scene projected onto a blank wall with supporting scenes on portable tablet-like viewboards representing books and other materials traditionally used in an office.
RWAV can be used as an office, traveling office and an improved kitchen table. Examples for the kitchen table include a wall including shelves of kids games, a wall including everything that makes doing homework easier, a kitchen wall with extra scheduling news and last minute homework resources.