
Danielle Wood featured speaker in Italian Space Agency's "From Home to Space" Series


Agenzia Spaziale Italiana

Agenzia Spaziale Italiana

May 7, 2020
9:00am — 10:00am ET

Con due appuntamenti a settimana, in alternanza tra interlocutori italiani a statunitensi, testimoni della conquista umana, scientifica e tecnologica dello spazio vi introdurranno al mondo fuori dal nostro mondo: il Cosmo. Ci racconteranno le conquiste del passato e quelle del presente, ma soprattutto i programmi e le ricerche per quelle a venire. From Home to Space vi accompagnerà per il Cosmo con la vostra astronave Casa.   

Missione USA in Italia & Agenzia Spaziale Italiana invitano ad un nuovo incontro della serie From Home to Space con 

Danielle Wood 
Director, Space Enabled research group  
Assistant Professor of Media Arts & Sciences and Aeronautics & Astronautics 
"Sustainability in Space and on Earth: Research Initiatives of the Space Enabled research group" 

Giovedì, 7 maggio ore 15:00 CET / 9:00 EDT
per partecipare:  https://ambasciatausa.it/FromHomeToSpace/ 

Il programma è interattivo e si svolgerà in inglese. 
Usando la funzione Q+A potete inviare quesiti a cui l'ospite risponderà in diretta.  

#nonmancate #iorestoacasa


The US Embassy in Italy and the Italian Space Agency teach you about Space. With two appointments a week, alternating between Italian and American interlocutors, witnesses of the human, scientific and technological conquest of space, they will introduce you to the world outside our world: the Cosmos. They will tell us about the achievements of the past and those of the present, but above all the plans and research for those to come. From Home to Space will accompany you to the Cosmos with your spaceship: Home.

The US Embassy in Italy & Italian Space Agency invite you to a virtual program of the From Home to Space series with

Danielle Wood
Director, Space Enabled research group
Assistant Professor of Media Arts & Sciences and Aeronautics & Astronautics
"Sustainability in Space and on Earth: Research Initiatives of the Space Enabled research group"

Thursday, May 7 at 15:00 CET / 9:00 EDT
Join at:  https://ambasciatausa.it/FromHomeToSpace/

The program is interactive and will take place in English.

Use the Q+A function to send questions which the guest will answer live. 

#nonmancate  #iorestoacasa

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