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VSpyware: Spyware in VANETs

Fadel M. Adib and Hazem Hajj. 2010. VSpyware: Spyware in VANETs. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE 35th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN '10). IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA, 621-624.


We illustrate how VSpyware — Vehicular Spyware — may jeopardize the integrity of vehicular systems. We propose a complete framework to protect vehicles against this threat based on a generic five-level protection scheme and customize it for the standardized and open specifications of AUTOSAR. We then inspect the vulnerabilities of the embedded operating systems, specifically OSEK OS, which is adopted by AUTOSAR, and propose methods to implement protection at this level. Finally, we show how our design thwarts VSpyware and VMalware attacks and protects the privacy and security of drivers and passengers.

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