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Mitigating Undercutting Attacks: A Study on Mining and Transaction Fee Behavior

Bao, C. (2024). Mitigating Undercutting Attacks: A Study on Mining and Transaction Fee Behavior. [Master's thesis, MIT]. https://media.mit.edu/publications/mitigating-undercutting-attacks-a-study-on-mining-and-transaction-fee-behavior


Gaka-chu: a self-employed autonomous robot artist

E. C. Ferrer, I. Berman, A. Kapitonov, V. Manaenko, M. Chernyaev and P. Tarasov, "Gaka-Chu: A Self-Employed Autonomous Robot Artist," 2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), London, United Kingdom, 2023, pp. 11583-11589, doi: 10.1109/ICRA48891.2023.10160866.


If blockchain is the solution, robot security is the problem

E. C. Ferrer, If blockchain is the solution, robot security is the problem, Frontiers In Blockchain, Vol 6, 2023


Secure and secret cooperation in robot swarms

E. C. Ferrer, T. Hardjono, A. S. Pentland, M. Dorigo, Secure and secret cooperation in robot swarms. Sci. Robot. 6, eabf1538 (2021).


BASIC: Towards a Blockchained Agent-Based SImulator for Cities

Marrocco, L., Ferrer, E. C., Bucchiarone, A., Grignard, A., Alonso, L., Larson, K., & Pentland, A. (2018, July). BASIC: Towards a Blockchained Agent-Based SImulator for Cities. In International Workshop on Massively Multiagent Systems (pp. 144-162). Springer, Cham.


Managing Byzantine Robots via Blockchain Technology in a Swarm Robotics Collective Decision Making Scenario

Volker Strobel, Eduardo Castelló Ferrer, and Marco Dorigo. 2018. Managing Byzantine Robots via Blockchain Technology in a Swarm Robotics Collective Decision Making Scenario. In Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2018), Stockholm, Sweden, July 10–15, 2018, IFAAMAS


RoboChain: A Secure Data-Sharing Framework for Human-Robot Interaction

Eduardo Castello Ferrer, Ognjen Rudovic, Thomas Hardjono, Alex Pentland, “RoboChain: A Secure Data-Sharing Framework for Human-Robot Interaction” eTELEMED 2018.


A Case Study for Blockchain in Healthcare:“MedRec” prototype for electronic health records and medical research data

Ekblaw, Ariel, Asaph Azaria, John D. Halamka, and Andrew Lippman. "A Case Study for Blockchain in Healthcare:“MedRec” prototype for electronic health records and medical research data." (2016).


MedRec: Using Blockchain for Medical Data Access and Permission Management

Azaria, Asaph, Ariel Ekblaw, Thiago Vieira, and Andrew Lippman. "MedRec: Using Blockchain for Medical Data Access and Permission Management." In Open and Big Data (OBD), International Conference on, pp. 25-30. IEEE, 2016.


The blockchain: a new framework for robotic swarm systems

Castelló Ferrer E. (2019) The Blockchain: A New Framework for Robotic Swarm Systems. In: Arai K., Bhatia R., Kapoor S. (eds) Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2018. FTC 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 881. Springer, Cham


Law Itself is the Killer Blockchain App

Greenwood, D. (2016, July 11). Law Itself is the Killer Blockchain App. Retrieved March, from https://computationallaw.org/law-itself-is-the-killer-blockchain-app-5ccf7d86d8d8


Invisible Ink - Blockchain for Data Privacy

Lazarovich Amir