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Developing Symbiotic Virtuosity: AI-Augmented Musical Instruments and Their Use in Live Music Performances

Blanchard, Lancelot*, Perry Naseck*, Eran Egozy, and Joseph A. Paradiso. 2024. “Developing Symbiotic Virtuosity: AI-Augmented Musical Instruments and Their Use in Live Music Performances.” An MIT Exploration of Generative AI, September. https://doi.org/10.21428/e4baedd9.69c11de7.


Paper Dreams: An Interactive Interface for Generative Visual Expression

Bernal, Guillermo, Lily Zhou, Haripriya Mehta, and Pattie Maes. NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design, December 14, 2019.


Machine behaviour

Rahwan, Iyad, Manuel Cebrian, Nick Obradovich, Josh Bongard, Jean-François Bonnefon, Cynthia Breazeal, Jacob W. Crandall, et al. “Machine Behaviour.” Nature 568, no. 7753 (April 2019): 477. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1138-y.


Toward understanding the impact of artificial intelligence on labor

Frank, Morgan R., David Autor, James E. Bessen, Erik Brynjolfsson, Manuel Cebrian, David J. Deming, Maryann Feldman, et al. “Toward Understanding the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Labor.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, March 25, 2019, 201900949. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1900949116.


Epidermal Robots: Wearable Sensors that Climb on The Skin

Dementyev A., Hernandez J., Choi I., Follmer S., Paradiso J., "Epidermal Robots: Wearable Sensors That Climb On The Skin" In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 2 (3), September 2018.


Personalized Machine Learning for Robot Perception of Affect and Engagement in Autism Therapy

Rudovic, O., Lee, J., Dai, M., Schuller, B. , Picard, R. W., " Personalized machine learning for robot perception of affect and engagement in autism therapy," Science Robotics, June 2018.


Spectrally distinct channelrhodopsins for two-colour optogenetic peripheral nerve stimulation

B. E. Maimon, K. Sparks, S. S. Srinivasan, A. N. Zorzos, H. M. Herr, Spectrally distinct channelrhodopsins for two-colour optogenetic peripheral nerve stimulation. Nature Biomedical Engineering 2, 485–496 (2018).


MultiDIC: An Open-Source Toolbox for Multi-View 3D Digital Image Correlation

Solav, D., K. M. Moerman, A. M. Jaeger, K. Genovese, and H. M. Herr. MultiDIC: an Open-Source Toolbox for Multi-View 3D Digital Image Correlation. IEEE Access 6:30520–30535, 2018.


Receptive Skins: Towards a Somatosensitive Architecture


Proprioception from a neurally controlled lower-extremity prosthesis

T. R. Clites, M. J. Carty, J. B. Ullauri, M. E. Carney, L. M. Mooney, J.-F. Duval, S. S. Srinivasan, H. M. Herr, Proprioception from a neurally controlled lower-extremity prosthesis. Sci. Transl. Med. 10, eaap8373 (2018).


Morphology Extension Kit: A Modular Robotic Platform for Physically Reconfigurable Wearables.

Sang-won Leigh, et al. "Morphology Extension Kit: A Modular Robotic Platform for Physically Reconfigurable Wearables." TEI 18, pp 11-18, March 3, 2018.


AlterEgo: A Personalized Wearable Silent Speech Interface

A. Kapur, S. Kapur, and P. Maes, "AlterEgo: A Personalized Wearable Silent Speech Interface." 23rd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2018), pp 43-53, March 5, 2018.


Small cities face greater impact from automation

Small cities face greater impact from automation Morgan R. Frank, Lijun Sun, Manuel Cebrian, Hyejin Youn, Iyad Rahwan J. R. Soc. Interface 2018 15 20170946; DOI: 10.1098/rsif.2017.0946. Published 7 February 2018


Development and Evaluation of a Powered Artificial Gastrocnemius for Transtibial Amputee Gait

M. Eilenberg, J. Kuan, and H. Herr. Development and Evaluation of a Powered Artificial Gastrocnemius for Transtibial Amputee Gait, Journal of Robotics, vol. 2018, Article ID 5951965, 15 pages, 2018.


Cooperating with machines

Jacob W. Crandall, Mayada Oudah, Tennom, Fatimah Ishowo-Oloko, Sherief Abdallah, Jean-François Bonnefon, Manuel Cebrian, Azim Shariff, Michael A. Goodrich , Iyad Rahwan . Nature Communications, 2018.


CityMatrix: An Urban Decision Support System Augmented by Artificial Intelligence

Zhang, Yan. “CityMatrix – An Urban Decision Support System Augmented by Artificial Intelligence.” Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017.


Calibration Invariant Imaging with Deep Learning

Guy Satat, Matthew Tancik, Otkrist Gupta, Barmak Heshmat, and Ramesh Raskar, "Object classification through scattering media with deep learning on time resolved measurement," Opt. Express 25, 17466-17479 (2017)


Translational Motion Tracking of Leg Joints for Enhanced Prediction of Walking Tasks

Stolyarov, R. M., Burnett, G., & Herr, H. (2017). Translational Motion Tracking of Leg Joints for Enhanced Prediction of Walking Tasks. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 1-1. doi:10.1109/tbme.2017.2718528


On prosthetic control: A regenerative agonist-antagonist myoneural interface

S. S. Srinivasan, M. J. Carty, P. W. Calvaresi, T. R. Clites, B. E. Maimon, C. R. Taylor, A. N. Zorzos, H. Herr, On prosthetic control : A regenerative agonist-antagonist myoneural interface, 2, eaan2971 (2017).


Printflatables: Printing Human-scale, Functional and Dynamic Inflatable Objects

Proceeding CHI '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Pages 3669-3680 Denver, Colorado, USA — May 06 - 11, 2017 ACM New York, NY, USA ©2017


Zensei: Embedded, Multi-electrode Bioimpedance Sensing for Implicit, Ubiquitous User Recognition

Munehiko Sato, Rohan S. Puri, Alex Olwal, Yosuke Ushigome, Lukas Franciszkiewicz, Deepak Chandra, Ivan Poupyrev, and Ramesh Raskar. 2017. Zensei: Embedded, Multi-electrode Bioimpedance Sensing for Implicit, Ubiquitous User Recognition. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 3972-3985.


A Caprine Model of a Novel Amputation Paradigm for Bi-directional Neural Control of a Bionic Limb

T. R. Clites, M. J. Carty, H. M. Herr, in Plastic Surgery Research Council, (2017), p. 119.


Agent-Based Visualization: A Real-Time Visualization Tool Applied Both to Data and Simulation Outputs

Arnaud Grignard, Alexis Drogoul - Agent-Based Visualization: A Real-Time Visualization Tool Applied Both to Data and Simulation Outputs - The AAAI-17 Workshop on Human-Machine Collaborative Learning - 2017


A murine model of a novel surgical architecture for proprioceptive muscle feedback

T. R. Clites, M. J. Carty, S. Srinivasan, A. N. Zorzos, H. M. Herr, A murine model of a novel surgical architecture for proprioceptive muscle feedback and its potential application to control of advanced limb prostheses., J. Neural Eng. 14, aa614b (2017).


Telling Stories to Robots: The Effect of Backchanneling on a Child's Storytelling

Hae Won Park, Mirko Gelsomini, Jin Joo Lee, and Cynthia Breazeal. 2017. Telling Stories to Robots: The Effect of Backchanneling on a Child's Storytelling. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI '17).


Transdermal optogenetic peripheral nerve stimulation

Maimon BE, Zorzos AN, Bendell R, Harding A, Fahmi M, Srinivasan S, Calvaresi P, Herr HM. J Neural Eng. 2017 Feb 3;14(3): 034002


Low-Cost Methodology for Skin Strain Measurement of a Flexed Biological Limb.

Lin, B., Moerman, K. M., McMahan, C. G., Pasch, K. A., & Herr, H. M. Low-Cost Methodology for Skin Strain Measurement of a Flexed Biological Limb. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, PP(99), 2016.


FlexSEA: Flexible Scalable Electronics Architecture for Wearable Robotic Applications

J.F. Duval, H. M. Herr


FlexSEA-Execute: Advanced Motion Controller for Wearable Robotic Applications

J.F. Duval, H. M. Herr


Human Leg Model Predicts Muscle Forces, States, and Energetics during Walking

J. Markowitz and H. Herr. Human Leg Model Predicts Muscle Forces, States, and Energetics during Walking, PLoS Computational Biology, vol. 5, no. 12, May. 2016.


Organic Primitives: Synthesis and Design of pH-Reactive Materials

Viirj Kan, Emma Vargo, Noa Machover, Hiroshi Ishii, Serena Pan, Weixuan Chen, and Yasuaki Kakehi. 2017. Organic Primitives: Synthesis and Design of pH-Reactive Materials using Molecular I/O for Sensing, Actuation, and Interaction. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 989-1000. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3025453.3025952


Multi-Material 3-D Viscoelastic Model of a Transtibial Residuum from In-vivo Indentation and MRI Data

Sengeh DM, Moerman, K. M., Petron A, Herr H.M.


Biomechanical walking mechanisms underlying the metabolic reduction caused by an autonomous exoskeleton

L. M. Mooney, H. M. Herr


Peripheral Neural Interface Via Nerve Regeneration to Distal Tissues

H. M. Herr, R. R. Riso, K. W. Song, R. J.Casler, M. J. Carty, Peripheral Neural Interface Via Nerve Regeneration to Distal Tissues. US Patent US20160346099 (2016).


Control of tension-compression asymmetry in Ogden hyperelasticity with application to soft tissue modelling

Moerman, K. M., Simms, C. K., Nagel, T. Control of tension-compression asymmetry in Ogden hyperelasticity with application to soft tissue modelling Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 56, 218–228, 2016


“Motion compensation in a tomographic ultrasound imaging system: toward volumetric scans of a limb for prosthetic socket design”

B.J. Ranger, M. Feigin, N. Pestrov, X. Zhang, V. Lempitsky, H.M. Herr, B.W. Anthony. “Motion compensation in a tomographic ultrasound imaging system: toward volumetric scans of a limb for prosthetic socket design”. Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, 2015.


Design and testing of a bionic dance prosthesis

E. J. Rouse, N. C. Villagaray-Carski, R. W. Emerson, H. M. Herr


FlexSEA: flexible, scalable electronics architecture for wearable robotic applications

Duval, JF "FlexSEA: flexible, scalable electronics architecture for wearable robotic applications"


Autonomous exoskeleton reduces metabolic cost of human walking

L. M. Mooney, E. J. Rouse and H. M. Herr. Autonomous exoskeleton reduces metabolic cost of human walking, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, vol. 11, pp. 151, November. 2014


How to Train Your DragonBot: Socially Assistive Robots for Teaching Children About Nutrition Through Play

E Short, K Swift-Spong, J Greczek, A Ramachandran, A Litoiu, E Grigore, D Feil- Seifer, S Shuster, JJ Lee, et al (2014). "How to Train Your DragonBot: Socially Assistive Robots for Teaching Children About Nutrition Through Play." In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (Edinburgh, UK).


Clutchable series-elastic actuator: Implications for prosthetic knee design

E. J. Rouse, L. M. Mooney and H. M. Herr Clutchable series-elastic actuator: Implications for prosthetic knee design International Journal of Robotics Research, 2014, in press


Design of a Clutch–Spring Knee Exoskeleton for Running

G. Elliott, A. Marecki and H. Herr. Design of a Clutch–Spring Knee Exoskeleton for Running, Journal of Medical Devices, vol 8, no. 3, 031002-031002-11, July. 2014.


Voxel-based Fabrication through Material Property Mapping

E.L. Doubrovski, Elizabeth Tsai, D. Dikovsky, J.M.P. Geraedts, Hugh Herr, Neri Oxman


Autonomous exoskeleton reduces metabolic cost of walking

L. M. Mooney, E. J. Rouse and H. M. Herr. Autonomous exoskeleton reduces metabolic cost of walking, International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, August. 2014.


A variable impedance prosthetic socket for a transtibial amputee designed from MRI data

D. Sengeh, H. M. Herr


A clutchable series-elastic actuator: design of a robotic knee prosthesis for minimum energy consumption

E. J. Rouse, L. M. Mooney, E. C. Martinez-Villalpando and H. M. Herr A clutchable series-elastic actuator: design of a robotic knee prosthesis for minimum energy consumption, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 2013


Continuously-Variable Series-Elastic Actuator

L. M. Mooney and H. M. Herr Continuously-Variable Series-Elastic Actuator, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 2013


Proportional EMG Control of Ankle Plantar Flexion in a Powered Transtibial Prosthesis

J. Wang, O. A. Kannape, and H. M. Herr Proportional EMG Control of Ankle Plantar Flexion in a Powered Transtibial Prosthesis, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 2013


Effects of a powered ankle-foot prosthesis on kinetic loading of the contralateral limb: a case series

D. Hill and H. M. Herr. Effects of a powered ankle-foot prosthesis on kinetic loading of the contralateral limb: a case series, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 2013.


The biomechanics and energetics of human running using an elastic knee exoskeleton

G. Elliott, G.S. Sawicki, A. Marecki, H. Herr. The biomechanics and energetics of human running using an elastic knee exoskeleton, International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 2013.


Pattern Classification of Terrain During Amputee Walking

Farrell, M. T. "Pattern Classification of Terrain During Amputee Walking"


Leg stiffness of sprinters using running-specific prostheses

C. P. McGowan, A. M. Grabowski, W. J. McDermott, H. M. Herr, and R. Kram. Leg stiffness of sprinters using running-specific prostheses, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, vol. 9, no. 73, pp. 1975-1982, 2012.


A method to determine the optimal features for control of a powered lower-limb prostheses

M. T. Farrell, H. M. Herr


Antagonistic Active Knee Prosthesis. A Metabolic Cost of Walking Comparison with a Variable-Damping Prosthetic Knee

E. C. Martinez-Villalpando, L. M. Mooney, G. A. Elliott and H. M. Herr. Antagonistic Active Knee Prosthesis. A Metabolic Cost of Walking Comparison with a Variable-Damping Prosthetic Knee, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC, 2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 2011.


Bionic ankle-foot prosthesis normalizes walking gait for persons with leg amputation

H. M. Herr and A. M. Grabowski. Bionic ankle-foot prosthesis normalizes walking gait for persons with leg amputation, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, vol. 279, no. 1728, pp. 457–464, Feb. 2012.


A muscle-reflex model that encodes principles of legged mechanics produces human walking dynamics and muscle activities

H. Geyer and H. Herr. A muscle-reflex model that encodes principles of legged mechanics produces human walking dynamics and muscle activities, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, 2010.


Optimal workloop energetics of muscle-actuated systems an impedance matching view

W. Farahat and H. M. Herr. Optimal workloop energetics of muscle-actuated systems an impedance matching view, PLoS Computational Biology, vol. 6, no. 6, 2010.


Control of a powered ankle-foot prosthesis based on a neuromuscular model

M. F. Eilenberg, H. Geyer, and H. M. Herr. Control of a powered ankle-foot prosthesis based on a neuromuscular model, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 164-173, 2010.


Counterpoint: Artificial legs do not make artificially fast running speeds possible

R. Kram, A. M. Grabowski, C. P. McGowan, M. B. Brown, and H. M. Herr. Counterpoint: Artificial legs do not make artificially fast running speeds possible, Journal of Applied Physiology, vol. 108, no. 4, pp. 1012–1014, Apr. 2010.


Running-specific prostheses limit ground-force during sprinting

A. M. Grabowski, C. P. McGowan, W. J. McDermott, M. T. Beale, R. Kram, and H. M. Herr. Running-specific prostheses limit ground-force during sprinting, Biology Letters, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 201-204, 2010.


Human walking model predicts joint mechanics electromyography and mechanical economy

K. Endo and H. Herr. Human walking model predicts joint mechanics, electromyography and mechanical economy, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), St. Louis, MO, Oct. 2009.


An artificial gastrocnemius for a transtibial prosthesis

K. Endo, E. Swart, H. M. Herr, An artificial gastrocnemius for a transtibial prosthesis, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC, 2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp.5034-5037, Sep. 2009.


Exoskeletons and orthoses: classification design challenges and future directions

H. Herr. Exoskeletons and orthoses: classification, design challenges and future directions, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 21, Jun. 2009.


The fastest runner on artificial legs: Different limbs similar function?

P. G. Weyand, M. W. Bundle, C. P. McGowan, A. Grabowski, M. B. Brown, R. Kram, and H. Herr. The fastest runner on artificial legs: Different limbs, similar function?, Journal of Applied Physiology, vol. 107, no. 3, pp. 903–911, Sep. 2009.


A model of muscle-tendon function in human walking

K. Endo and H. Herr. A model of muscle-tendon function in human walking, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Kobe, Japan, May 2009.