ANDI-FG PC-104 Video Digitizer

The ANDI-FG board is a 24-bit digitizer on a PC-104 board based around a Motorola 56001 DSP and a Phillip's digitizing chipset. It comes with a library to take pictures and upload them over the pc104 bus to the host system, but it's possible to download user-supplied code to the DSP and perform image processing on the board itself. This both frees the system's main cpu for other tasks, and eliminates the time consuming process of downloading the image over a relatively slow 8-bit pc104 bus.

ANDI-FG PC/104 board Manafacturer:
Ajeco Oy
Takkatie 7A
FIN-00370 Helsinki, Finland
Fax: +358-0-7003 9209, Te: +358-0-7003 9200

Distributor in the US:
Zytronix Inc.
1208 Apollo Way
Suite 504
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
FAX (408) 749-1329
(408) 749-1326

Size: 3.6"X2.8"x0.6" (91mm x 96mm x 16mm)
Environmental: 0-70 degrees C , 95% relative humidity, non-condensing
Power: +5VDC +- 10%, 2.5W operating, 0.9W standby
Inputs: 3 video inputs, separate luminance and chrominance
Input Impedance: 75 ohm
Sampling Speed: real time conversion 24.5 MHz(60Hz) and 29.5 MHz (50Hz)
Converters: 8 bit A/D converters for lumincance and chrominance
Resolution: 640x525 pixels in NTSC and 768x625 pixels in PA/SECAM
Signal Source Type: CVBS (composite video), Y/C, S-VHS etc.
Color Decoding: NTSC PAL and SECAM
Uploading Modes: 24 bit RGB, 8 bit gray scale, 4:2:2 YUV
Processor: Motorola DSP56001, 27Mhz, user programmable, 8K words PRAM
Video Memory: 1MB total
DMA & IRQ Support: Yes
Software: Complete library in C and Assembly, source code included

Technical Notes

These are my own notes on the ANDI-FG board, and supplement the supplied documentation.


Eventually I'll place some example code here, once it's been written. I'm developing programs using the assembler and linker that came with Black NeXT hardware (NeXT machines used a 56001 in their sound hardware) If you're lucky enough to have access to one of these systems, try 'asm56000' and 'lnk56000'.


Here are some links of interest to those working with the ANDI-FG board.

  • Motorola DSP Products
  • 56001 Technical Documentation