Creating Gerber Files and Excellon Files with EAGLE 3.55 (NOTE: If you have more than 2 signal layers proceed to page 2 (removed)) EAGLE provides a CAM job file, which will create your GERBER files for a 2 layer board in an easy fashion. Please follow these steps: Gerber Files Load your board on the screen. To do this from the EAGLE Control Panel, click on File/Open/Board and select the board you will use. Click on the Icon on the top Tool bar that says ULP. When the dialog box appears select the ULP file called DRILLCFG.ULP from the ULP directory. In a matter of seconds the command line you will notice a message saying ULP has finished. Now click on the Icon that stands for the CAM Processor. This will load the CAM Processor Screen. From this screen click on File/Open/Job (when asked to save Modified Job reply NO) and select the CAM job called GERBER.CAM from the CAM directory and click OK. Now click on the button that says Process Job. This will prompt you with 2 messages. The first message will be this is a dummy file which EAGLE creates, click OK. The second message is , Click OK to this message as well. Depending of the size and complexity of the board, the entire process will take a few minutes or a few hours. When the CAM Processor stops all process it means it has finished. This process created several files that will have the same name as your board with different extensions: .WHL Aperture Wheel File .PLC Silk Screen Component side .CMP Copper Component side .STC Solder Stop mask Component side .SOL Copper Solder side .STS Solder Stop mask Solder side EXCELLON FILES (Make sure you have done step 1 and 2 before proceeding with Excellon files) Directly from the CAM processor click on File/Open/Job and select the CAM Job called EXCELLON.CAM from the CAM directory, then click OK. Now click on the small button that says Process. This will begin the EXCELLON file generation. Normally this process only takes a few seconds. The following files are created when the process ends. .DRL Tool Rack File .DRD Excellon Output .DRI Drill Information file