Presented at the AAAI 1995 Spring Symposium Series: Empirical Methods in Discourse Interpretation and Generation. March 27-29, Stanford University.

A Discourse Analysis Approach to
Structured Speech

Lisa J. Stifelman

MIT Media Laboratory
20 Ames Street E15-352
Cambridge, MA 02139


Given a recording of a lecture, one cannot easily locate a topic of interest, or skim for important points. However, by presenting the user with a summary of a discourse, listening to speech can be made more efficient. One approach to the problem of summarizing and skimming speech has been termed "emphasis detection." This study evaluates an emphasis detection approach by comparing the speech segments selected by the algorithm with a hierarchical segmentation of a discourse sample (based on [Grosz & Sidner 1986]). The results show that a high percentage of segments selected by the algorithm correspond to discourse boundaries, in particular, segment beginnings in the discourse structure. Further analysis is needed to identify cues that distinguish the hierarchical structure. The ultimate goal is to determine whether it is feasible to "outline" speech recordings using intonational and limited text-based analyses.


Researchers are currently attempting to determine ways of finding structure in [Grosz & Hirschberg 1992] [Hawley 1993] , summarizing [Chen & Withgott 1992] , and skimming [Arons 1994a] speech and sound. Speech is slow, serial, and difficult to manage--given a recording of a lecture, one cannot easily locate a topic of interest, or skim for important points. We are forced to receive information sequentially, limited by the talker's speaking rate rather than our listening capacity. By presenting the user with a summary or overview of the discourse, listening to speech can be made more efficient.

One approach to the problem of summarizing and skimming speech has been termed "emphasis detection" [Chen & Withgott 1992] . This approach uses prosodic cues (e.g., pitch, energy) for finding "emphasized" portions of audio recordings. Chen and Withgott [Chen & Withgott 1992] use speech labeled by subjects for emphasis to train a Hidden Markov Model. Arons [Arons 1994a] performs a direct analysis of the speech data rather than using a train and test technique. In both cases the final result is a selection of emphasized segments--indices into the speech corresponding to the most "salient" portions. A limitation of this work is that the structure of the speech is not identified--while salient segments are determined, the relationships among them are not.

This study evaluates Arons' emphasis detection approach by comparing the speech segments selected by the algorithm with a hierarchical segmentation of the discourse (based on [Grosz & Sidner 1986] ). By incorporating knowledge about discourse structure, speech summarization work can be expanded in two significant ways. First, techniques are needed for determining the structure and relationships among speech segments identified as salient. Secondly, better methods can be developed for determining the validity of the results. Currently, evaluation is difficult since there is a lack of a clear definition of "emphasis" or what constitutes a good audio summary. Discourse structure provides a foundation upon which emphasis detection and structure recognition algorithms can be evaluated.



A single discourse sample was segmented by two people according to instructions devised by Grosz and Hirschberg [Grosz & Hirschberg 1992] . Both segmenters were experienced at labeling discourses using these instructions.

Discourse Sample

The discourse sample is a 13 minute talk by a single speaker about his interests and current research. The talk is not interactive--he is only interrupted twice to answer brief clarification questions.

Manual Discourse Segmentation

Two subjects labeled the starting and ending points of discourse segments, as well as the hierarchical structure of the discourse. Figure 1 shows a portion of the final segmentation. An open bracket (e.g., [1) indicates when a new segment is introduced, and a closed bracket when it is completed (e.g., ]1). The hierarchical structure (i.e., when one segment is embedded inside another) is indicated by the numbering and indentation.

1. Well my name's Jim Smith
2. but whenever I write it it comes out James for some reason but
3. I don't care what you call me.
4. um I'm uh I'm currently at the Kalamazoo Computer Science Laboratory
5. I've been at Kalamazoo for a long time aside from about a nine month break
6. um I've been there and gotten my my bachelor's my master's
7. um something called an engineer's degree
8. which pretty much makes me a Ph.D. student er otherwise I'd have to leave.
9. um I work for a uh networking group
10. and I'm sort of a special person in the group because I'm not really what they do
11. except that I'm supposed to be driving their need for this um high-speed ne network
12. um and I work for Professor Schmidt which I mention here because he came out
13. and and a lot of you got to hear what he had to say
14. and I might repeat a little bit of that
15. My interests are in speech processing and recognition for uh multimedia applications
16. and again that from my group's perspective they're interested in me as someone who who gives a reason for their for their network.

Figure 1: A portion of the manual discourse segmentation. [1]

Initially, the two labelers segmented the discourse using a text transcript only. The two segmentations were then compared, discussed, and argued over until a single result was decided upon. Next, each labeler made modifications to the initial text-based segmentation while listening to an audio recording of the sample. There were no time constraints--the labelers were allowed to listen to the material as many times as needed. The two labelers first worked separately and then together to agree on a final segmentation.

Automatic Analysis--Arons' Emphasis Detection Algorithm

Following the human labeling of the discourse structure, Arons' emphasis detection algorithm was used to segment the discourse sample. The algorithm identifies time points in the sound file marking the beginning of "emphasized" portions of speech. For the discourse sample used in this study the algorithm selected 22 segments.

The Arons emphasis detection algorithm performs a direct analysis of the pitch patterns of a discourse. The following is a step-by-step description of the algorithm [Arons 1994b] :
  1. Create a histogram of pitch values in the signal (F0 in Hz versus percentage of frames, where a frame is 10 ms long).
  2. Define an "emphasis threshold" to select the top 1% of the pitch frames.
  3. Calculate "pitch activity" scores over 1 second windows. The pitch activity score equals the number of frames above the emphasis threshold (determined in step 2).
  4. Combine the scores of nearby regions (within an 8 second range).
  5. Select regions with a pitch activity score greater than zero.[2]


Discourse Segmentation Analysis

All utterances in the discourse are divided into the following five categories as defined by Grosz and Hirschberg [Grosz & Hirschberg 1992] :
The first two categories, SIS and SIE, are combined into a single category of segment beginning utterances (SBEG). SBEG, SMP, and SF utterances are all considered discourse segment boundaries.

Emphasis Detection versus Discourse Structure

The Arons emphasis detection algorithm was written with the goal of "finding important or emphasized portions of a recording, and locating the equivalent of paragraphs or new topic boundaries for the sake of creating audio overviews or outlines" ( [Arons 1994a] , p. 107). Note that the algorithm was not explicitly designed with any theory of discourse structure in mind.

It is important to distinguish "finding salient portions" of a discourse from "finding structure." While there may be a strong correlation between the beginning of new segments (i.e., the introduction of new topics) and the most salient portions of a discourse, there is nothing to prevent these salient "sound bytes" from occurring in the middle of a discourse segment. Ayers [Ayers 1994] found that the introductory phrases of discourse segments sometimes had a lower pitch range in comparison to the following more "content-rich phrases."

The analysis described in this paper concentrates on topic (i.e., segment) boundaries which may or may not correspond to the most salient content of the discourse. However, as these boundaries are fundamental to the structure of the discourse, they will be critical for allowing users to navigate and locate portions of the audio that they believe to be salient.

Comparison Calculations

In order to evaluate the correlation between the algorithm and discourse structure, basic signal detection metrics are employed. The number of hits, misses, false alarms, and correct rejections are calculated. For example, in calculating the number of segment beginning utterances found by the algorithm, a "hit" is defined as an index that falls anywhere within the intonational phrase of an SBEG utterance. The discourse was divided into intonational phrases (i.e., major phrase boundaries) according to Pierrehumbert's theory of English intonation [Pierrehumbert 1975, Pierrehumbert & Hirschberg 1990] and the TOBI labeling system [Silverman et al. 1992] .

In an analysis similar to one performed by Passonneau and Litman [Passonneau & Litman 1993] , four performance metrics are calculated: percent recall, precision, fallout, and error (Figure 2). Recall is equivalent to the percent correct identification of a particular feature while precision takes into account the proportion of false alarms. It is important to calculate both recall and precision metrics. For example, if the emphasis detection algorithm were simply to identify every phrase in the discourse as a segment beginning, the recall would be 100% but the precision would be considerably lower (e.g., if there are 10 SBEGs and 100 utterances total, the precision would be only 10%). Alternatively if the algorithm selected only 1 segment beginning but made no false alarms, the precision would be 100% and the recall considerably lower.
Recall              H / (H + M)          
Precision           H / (H + FA)           
Fallout             FA / (FA + CR)           
Error               (FA + M) / (H + FA + M + CR)           
Figure 2: Evaluation metrics. H = Hits, M = Misses, FA = False Alarms, CR = Correct Rejections.

Comparison by Discourse Category

The twenty two indices selected by the algorithm were compared to the discourse segmentation (Figures 3-6). The number of indices corresponding (i.e., within the same intonational phrase) to each of the five categories of utterances in the discourse were calculated.

Eighteen out of the 22 indices selected by the algorithm correspond to segment boundaries of some kind (precision = 82%). In addition, 15 of the 22 indices correspond to SBEG utterances (precision = 68%[3]). Note that Grosz and Hirschberg [Grosz & Hirschberg 1992] considered SBEG utterances alone, and SBEG plus SMP utterances in their analysis. SBEG and SMP utterances together constitute a broader class of discourse segment shifts. The precision for finding segment shifts is higher (77%) than for SBEGs alone (68%).
Category   # Hits   Total in Sample         
SIS            9           15           
SIE            6           28           
SMP            2            7           
SF             1           23           
SM             4          124            
Totals       22          197            
Figure 3: Correspondence between algorithm indices and discourse structure categories.
              Discourse    Discourse
              Boundary     Non-Boundary          

Algorithm          18             4       

Algorithm          55           120         
Figure 4: Correspondence between algorithm indices and segment boundaries (SBEG, SMP, or SF). Hits = 18, Misses = 55, False Alarms = 4, Correct Rejections = 120.
              Discourse   Discourse   
              SBEG        Non-SBEG  
Algorithm          15            7       
Algorithm          28          147         
Figure 5: Correspondence between algorithm indices and segment beginnings (SBEG).
          Recall  Precision  Fallout  Error  
SBEG        0.35      0.68       0.05     0.18   
Boundary    0.25      0.82       0.03     0.30   
Figure 6: Evaluation metrics across segment beginnings and across all segment boundaries.

Comparison by Segment Level

The utterances in the discourse are also classified by "segment level"--the absolute number of levels embedded in the hierarchical discourse structure (Figures 7-8). In this discourse sample, utterances occur at level 0 (the outermost level of the discourse) through 7 (the innermost level). The algorithm selects an equal number of segment beginning utterances at several different levels of embedding in the discourse structure.
Level  Algorithm  Discourse  Total in    
         SBEG       SBEG     Sample    
  0         0           0           2         
  1         0           0           1         
  2         4           7          34        
  3         4           9          42        
  4         4          10          56        
  5         2           8          34        
  6         1           5          20        
  7         0           4           8         
Figure 7: Break-down by segment level of algorithm indices matching SBEG utterances, the number of SBEGs at each level, and the total number of utterances at each level.

Figure 8: The percent of SBEGs selected by the algorithm out of the number of SBEGs in the discourse at each level (Algorithm SBEG / Discourse SBEG).

Figure 9 shows the results for two different criteria levels--an index selected by the algorithm is considered a "hit" if its level in the structure is less than or equal to the criteria level. These criteria have been selected to correspond to the objective of finding the major topics in the discourse. Given the less stringent criteria (level <= 4) the algorithm's precision for SBEG utterances increases from 53% to 80%.

Level <= 3   Recall  Precision  Fallout  Error  
SBEG            0.50      0.53        0.26     0.35   
Boundary        0.31      0.50        0.20     0.40                                        

Level <= 4   Recall  Precision  Fallout  Error  
SBEG            0.46      0.80        0.18     0.40   
Boundary        0.30      0.78        0.15     0.49   
Figure 9: Evaluation metrics for Level <= 3 and Level <= 4 criteria across SBEGs and boundaries.


Comparison by Discourse Category

An objective of Arons' algorithm is to locate new topic boundaries. A high percentage of indices selected by the algorithm correspond to segment boundaries, in particular segment beginnings. The algorithm's precision for finding segment boundaries and beginnings is relatively high while the recall is low. By design, the algorithm selects only a small number of segments in order to achieve a maximum amount of "time-compression." This causes the percent recall to be low. The goal is to provide the listener with a fast overview, so not all segments are presented.

These findings are in contrast to the results found by Passonneau and Litman [Passonneau & Litman 1993] using a simple pause-based algorithm to detect segment boundaries. This pause-based algorithm[4] achieved a high recall but low precision score--it detected a high percentage of segment boundaries but also had a high percentage of false alarms. This algorithm had 92% recall and 18% precision for segment boundaries, while the Arons algorithm achieves 25% recall and 82% precision. In addition, the Arons algorithm has lower fallout and error--3% and 30% versus 54% and 49%. It is important to note that Passonneau and Litman's pause-based algorithm was tested on 10 different narratives, while these results are for a single discourse. Passonneau and Litman also determine segment boundary strength based on the degree of agreement between seven segmenters.

Comparison by Segment Level

Since segment beginnings represent the points in the discourse where new topics and subtopics are introduced, these utterances are appropriate for use in a summary of an audio recording. However, for maximum time savings, only the "major" topic introductions should be presented.

The comparison by segment level reveals an area for improving the algorithm. Currently, the algorithm selects a number of segment beginning utterances, ranging from major topic introductions to minor ones. While several SBEG utterances embedded five levels or more are matched, others that are embedded two levels or less are not.

Future Directions

A limitation of Arons' emphasis detection algorithm (as well as [Chen & Withgott 1992] ) is that it does not determine the structure and the relationships among the segments identified as salient. An analysis of the intonational correlates of the discourse segmentation, like the one performed by [Grosz & Hirschberg 1992] , could be performed with a focus on identifying cues that distinguish the hierarchical structure. The ultimate goal would be to determine whether it is feasible to "outline" speech recordings using intonational and limited text-based analyses.[5]

Further research is needed in order to determine how to successfully combine multiple cues to emphasis or structure. Many of the emphasis detection and structure recognition algorithms described in this paper have focused on a single linguistic cue (e.g., pitch range-- [Arons 1994b, Ayers 1994] , cue phrases alone, noun phrases alone, pauses alone-- [Passonneau & Litman 1993] ). Grosz and Hirschberg have begun to investigate this problem, attempting to predict the location of segment beginning and final utterances from a series of intonational cues.

The discourse segmentation used in this study was performed by two experienced labelers. A future experiment using naive[6] subjects as segmenters and additional discourse samples is needed in order to further validate these results.


This study compares the portions of a discourse identified as "salient" by the Arons emphasis detection algorithm with the discourse structure as defined by [Grosz & Sidner 1986] . Two main types of comparisons are considered: one by segment category and the other by segment level. The results show that the indices into the audio selected by the emphasis algorithm correspond mostly to segment boundaries, in particular, segment beginnings in the discourse structure. Since the algorithm primarily considers pitch peaks, this corresponds to previous research findings that new topic introductions (i.e., new segments) are associated with increases in pitch range.

The algorithm selects an equal number of segment beginning utterances at several different levels of embedding rather than only the "outermost" (i.e., least embedded) topics in the discourse. While there may be a relative compression in pitch range as embedded segments are introduced, the least embedded segments in the discourse do not necessarily correspond to the absolute largest pitch ranges. Ayers' pitch tree algorithm [Ayers 1994] for locating segment boundaries uses relative differences in pitch rather than absolute ones. Such an approach is an interesting alternative to the one used by Arons. A combination of the two approaches may prove useful for identifying segment beginnings and distinguishing them according to their level of embeddedness in the discourse structure.

This project attempts to bring together research in the areas of summarizing and skimming speech and discourse structure. The goal is to establish an alternate approach to the problem of "speech summarization and skimming" that is driven by the objectives of a real-world problem, yet has a principled theoretical foundation as a basis for making claims.


Thanks to Barbara Grosz for providing direction, support, and helpful feedback throughout this project. Thanks to Chris Schmandt for his support and encouragement. Christine Nakatani segmented the discourse and gave valuable input. Barry Arons assisted in the use of the emphasis algorithm. Michele Covell, Bill Stasior, and Meg Withgott of Interval Research Corporation supplied the discourse sample. Barbara Grosz, Christine Nakatani, and Barry Arons provided feedback on the content of this paper.


Arons, B. Interactively Skimming Recorded Speech. Ph.D. Thesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994a.

Arons, B. Pitch-Based Emphasis Detection for Segmenting Speech Recordings. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, pages 1931-1934. 1994b.

Ayers, G. Discourse Functions of Pitch Range in Spontaneous and Read Speech. OSU Linguistics Deptartment Working Papers, vol. 44, 1994.

Chen, F. R. and Withgott, M. The Use of Emphasis to Automatically Summarize Spoken Discourse. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pages 229-233. IEEE, 1992.

Grosz, B. and Hirschberg, J. Some Intonational Characteristics of Discourse Structure. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, pages 429-432. 1992.

Grosz, B. and Sidner, C. Attention, Intentions, and the Structure of Discourse. Computational Linguistics, 12(3):175-204, 1986.

Hawley, M. J. Structure out of Sound. Ph.D. Thesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1993.

Passonneau, R. J. and Litman, D. J. Intention-Based Segmentation: Human Reliability and Correlation with Linguistic Cues. In Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. 1993.

Pierrehumbert, J. The Phonology and Phonetics of English Intonation. Ph.D. Thesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1975.

Pierrehumbert, J. and Hirschberg, J. The Meaning of Intonational Contours in the Interpretation of Discourse. In P. R. Cohen, J. Morgan and M. E. Pollack, editors, Intentions in Communication, pages 271-311. The MIT Press, 1990.

Silverman, K., Beckman, M., Pitrelli, J., Ostendorf, M., Wightman, C., Price, P., Pierrehumbert, J. and Hirschberg, J. TOBI: A Standard for Labeling English Prosody. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, pages 867-870. 1992.


1. Note that the sample has been slightly modified to remove personal identification.

2. If too many segments are selected (i.e., too many to allow enough time savings) then the top scoring regions are selected for playback.

3. If the criteria are relaxed to allow indexes within two intonational phrases, then the number of SBEGs selected increases to 18 out of 22 (82%) and the number of segment boundaries to 21 out of 22 (95%).

4. Arons also wrote a pause-based algorithm using an adaptive pause detection technique (see [Arons 1994a]) for finding segments following long pauses.

5. Limited because full-scale automatic speech-to-text transcription is not practical; however, a technique such as keyword spotting might be applied to locate cue phrases marking the discourse structure.

6. Subjects that are not familiar with discourse structure theory.