
ImmerScope City: Blending Perspectives and Design Experiences


ImmerScope City is a tool designed to help people visualize complex urban designs in a more engaging and accessible way. It goes beyond the traditional, static ways of seeing city layouts by generating realistic images and sounds of streetscapes, allowing for collaboration and rapid scenario testing in an immersive setting. This helps users understand not only the layout of the city, but also its spatial qualities and how people might experience it.

Using 3D models sourced from the City Scope platform, ImmerScope applies a diffusion algorithm that is directed by a depth map and an audio description of the desired design outcomes. People interact with the model, co-designing with plain language, and receiving real-time images that are easily understood by all.

Person People
Leticia Izquierdo Garcia
Research Assistant
Person People
Vincy Xiao
Research Assistant
Person People
Gabriela Bila Advincula
Research Assistant