
Ekene Ijeoma reveals the revolutionary potential of data-based art

Ekene Ijeoma’s art is multifarious: a public light installation here, a musical performance there. His works are housed in museums and on the internet. They’re visual, then auditory, then tactile, then all three at once—expertly pivoting around material and medium.

“With every work, I’m trying to reduce all material and form down to the essence of the message,” Ijeoma says. “A lot of the issues I’m talking about are intersectional, so I’ve been thinking about how to take an interdisciplinary approach to each piece.” The Nigerian-American artist narrows his intentions down to a couple of terms: Sometimes he’s ‘critiquing’ a thing, and sometimes he’s ‘proposing’ an alternative. Beyond that distinction, Ijeoma works intuitively. “I don’t think that everything can be expressed in one medium. So when I have an idea, I’m not constrained.”

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