
Rain or Shine: Animaris Ordis Walk with Theo Jansen

September 10, 2015


MIT Media Lab


The Animaris Ordis walk will take place even if it is raining.
This event is outdoors, free, and open to the public.

Not in Cambridge? Join us for the walk via Periscope (find us @medialab). We will also post the link on Twitter (@medialab) once we are live.

In 2015, the Peabody Essex Museum (PEM) kicks off the first US tour featuring Theo Jansen's famed kinetic sculptures: the Strandbeests. Dynamic and interdisciplinary, Jansen's Strandbeests (beach animals) blur the lines between art and science, sculpture and performance. The exhibition will celebrate the thrill of the Strandbeests' unique locomotion as well as the processes that have driven their evolutionary development on the Dutch seacoast. The exhibition will premiere at PEM in Fall 2015, then travel to Chicago and San Francisco.
On Thursday, September 10 on the plaza outside the MIT Media Lab, PEM and Theo Jansen will take Animaris Ordis for a walk. Animaris Ordis walks under wind power, using a sail. It can also be pushed. Connect two Ordises, and you have Animaris Turgentia Vela, about seven feet tall and 10 feet long.
From 3-5pm the same day, join us for a Media Lab talks event with Jansen, PEM curator Trevor Smith, and Media Lab associate professor Neri Oxman, and then head outside the Lab for a stroll with a Strandbeest!
Please contact events [at] media [dot] mit [dot] edu with questions about this event.

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