
CoCo and MIT RAISE among 2023-2024 Tools Competition winners


Photo by Andreas Kretschmer on Unsplash

Photo by andreas kretschmer on Unsplash

CoCo's Little Language Models, a project developed by Lifelong Kindergarten PhD researchers Manuj Dhariwal and Shruti Dhariwal, and the App Inventor Mobile Data Science Toolkit, developed by RAISE (Responsible AI for Social Empowerment and Education), are winners of the 2023-2024 Tools Competition. Both earned awards as part of the Preparing for 21st Century World track, which aims to support and prepare students to navigate the changing world.

Each track has three different award levels: 

  • Catalyst ($50,000): for early stage ideas or products
  • Growth ($150,000): for products with some users and scale
  • Transform ($300,000): for established platforms with 10,000 or more users

CoCo was the recipient of a Growth award and the App Inventor Mobile Data Science Toolkit was the recipient of a Transform award.

About the tools

Little Language Models

Little Language Models is a co-creative AI education microworld for children (ages 8–16) within the CoCo platform. It is especially designed to be developmentally appropriate for young learners, helping them explore and engage early on with the foundational ideas underlying Generative AI systems—in ways that are co-creative, playful, and personally meaningful for them. The work also highlights a shift towards introducing 'Probabilistic Thinking (PT)' as a foundational fluency for children in the AI era, in addition to Computational Thinking (CT).

The App Inventor Mobile Data Science Toolkit

The App Inventor Mobile Data Science Toolkit scaffolds middle and high school students in leading real-world data science investigations. Built on MIT App Inventor, the free, open-source toolkit empowers learners to visualize and analyze sensor and public data using apps that they build, and offers in-app generative AI capabilities for context and analysis. An interdisciplinary, project-based curriculum employs participatory data collection, inspiring students to collect and analyze data on topics of personal interest, with the aim of fostering higher authorship proximity in K12 data science.

About the competition

The Tools Competition is the largest edtech competition in the world, promoting innovation through digital technology, big data, and learning science to meet the urgent needs of learners worldwide.

This year’s competition generated nearly 2,000 submissions from 92 countries. This is the fourth cycle of the Tools Competition. To date, the competition has awarded $17.5 million to 130 edtech innovators.

The 2023-24 competition included awards in six tracks: 

The 2023-24 Tools Competition was run with support from: Renaissance Philanthropy, Griffin Catalyst, Walton Family Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Siegel Family Endowment, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), Ballmer Group, Calbright College, Axim Collaborative, Jacobs Foundation, Endless Network, and OpenAI.

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