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Inside-Out: Reflecting on your Inner State

Hernandez J., McDuff D., Fletcher R., Picard, R. W., "Inside-Out: Reflecting on your Inner State", Work-in-progress in Pervasive Computing, San Diego, CA, March 18-22, 2013.


We present a novel sensor system and interface that enables an individual to capture and reflect on their daily activities. The wearable system gathers both physiological responses and visual context through the use of a wearable biosensor and a cell-phone camera, respectively. Collected information is locally stored and securely transmitted to a novel digital mirror. Through interactive visualizations, this interface allows users to reflect not only on their outer appearance but also on their inner physiological responses to daily activities. Finally, we illustrate how combining a time record of physiological data with visual contextual information can improve and enhance the experience of reflection in many real-life scenarios, and serve as a useful tool for behavior science and therapy

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