
Conformal Prediction with Large Language Models for Multi-Choice Question Answering

Kumar, B.*, Lu, C.*, Gupta, G., Palepu, A., Bellamy, D., Raskar, R., & Beam, A. "Conformal Prediction with Large Language Models for Multi-Choice Question Answering." Neural Conversational AI Workshop at ICML 2023.


LNN-EL: A Neuro-Symbolic Approach to Short-text Entity Linking

Jiang, Hang, Sairam Gurajada, Qiuhao Lu, Sumit Neelam, Lucian Popa, Prithviraj Sen, Yunyao Li, and Alexander Gray. "LNN-EL: A Neuro-Symbolic Approach to Short-text Entity Linking." ACL (2021).


RadioTalk: a large-scale corpus of talk radio transcripts

Doug Beeferman, William Brannon, and Deb Roy. (2019). RadioTalk: A large-scale corpus of talk radio transcripts. In Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH 2019). Graz, Austria.