
Conversations that Matter: The Importance of Education in the Amputee Experience—A Critical Element of Comprehensive Care

April 19, 2022
12:30pm — 2:00pm ET

Leslie E. Green, MA, MA, MA, MA, MSW, Ed.S is the Patient Advocacy Director of Education for the Hanger Clinic. On April 19, she will join the Biomechatronics group to discuss pre-surgical education for patients facing amputation. The Media Lab community was invited to join the Zoom discussion, and the archived, captioned video of the talk is available now.

If you would like to get in touch with the speaker, Leslie Green, please contact Lindsey Reynolds.


The history of amputation and prosthetics is not only a medical and scientific history, but the story of human beings. Human beings who since the dawn of civilization who by birth, wound, or accident we’re left with something missing. 

Amputations and prosthetics date back to ancient times.  

It’s a fascinating story of the limits of human endurance. In the history of humankind, this is the arc of time we are responsible for … our current attitudes, know-how, and management, influence the lives and livelihoods of so many.

As a bilateral below the knee amputee, I discovered how ill prepared I felt in facing the prospect of amputation.

I have since realized that I was not alone in that estimation and experience, but that it is common to most individuals facing amputation.

This knowledge fueled a fire within me to change that through education.

Pre-surgical education is the missing, yet critical component that will allow individuals facing amputation to face limb loss knowing what they are in for, and teach them how to cope, and then how to meaningfully integrate back into their lives productively.

In the history of humankind, this is the arc of time we are responsible for … our current attitudes, know-how, and management of care.  

Come engage in the discussion of how you can influence the lives and livelihoods of so many through integrating pre-surgical education in your team’s amputation comprehensive care plan.


Leslie E. Green

Speaker Bio:

Leslie is a bilateral below the knee amputee who has many years of experience working alongside patients with limb loss and limb difference. As Patient Advocate Director of Education, Leslie meets with all new prosthetic patients to offer education surgery and supports patients from amputation to ambulation. She is equipped with a thorough understanding of prosthetics and orthotics. Leslie helps amputees as they transition through the continuum of care. She ensures patients and family members are provided with education, appropriate community resources, and emotional support. Leslie moderates a national amputee wellness program serving over 800 individuals. With 15 weekly content specific educational sessions, Balance Amputee Wellness Communities offers resources for amputees and their loved ones.

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