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Danielle Wood Speaks at Planet Explore 2020


Planet Explore 2020

Planet Explore 2020

October 15, 2020
12:30pm ET

Danielle Wood will be speaking about "Sustainability in Space and on Earth: Research Initiatives of the Space Enabled Research Group" at Planet Explore 2020.  

Planet provides geospatial insights at the speed of change, equipping users with the data necessary to make informed, timely decisions. They offer a diverse selection of imagery and analytic solutions, all made available online through our platform and web-based tools. From agriculture and emergency response to natural resource protection and security, they believe that timely, global imagery and foundational analytics will empower informed, deliberate, and meaningful stewardship of our planet.

At Planet Explore, Planet Explorers will have the opportunity, over three days, to join online in real-time to hear from thought leaders and keynote speakers, learn from fellow customers, and share with other industry experts who are leveraging imagery and insights to make an impact in our ever-changing world. Explore is Planet’s second annual conference, and while they’ll be online this year, the goals are still to bring together industry thought leaders, customers, partners, end users, and developers for two days of learning and conversation. From thought-provoking keynotes and cutting-edge customer use cases, to market trends and vision for the future, they’re excited to bring together this dynamic, global community. And, this year it's free for all attendees! 

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