
"Poster Generator" Workshop at Otis College of Art and Design


Shubing Poppy

Shubing Poppy

Sunday — Friday
June 25, 2023 —
July 7, 2023

A workshop with design students at the Otis College of Art and Design where we used code to make a poster generator. We used HTML, CSS, and p5.js to develop a tool that can generate posters. The tool could also have an animating or interactive variant, but all of them resulted in 3 print versions in one of the college's facilities (riso, silkscreen, digital print, CNC or laser cut).

This workshop was an introduction to programming for design. We created generative, interactive, and/or looping type animations and use those to create a series. This series will then be converted to a series of printed posters.


Vera van de Seyp


Vera van de Seyp


Vera van de Seyp

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