Patient adherence to physical therapy regimens is poor, and there is a lack of quantitative data about patient performance, particularly at…
ForgetAboutIT has become an integrated part of CollaboRhythm. Currently only 50 percent of patients with chronic diseases take their medica…
Increasing understanding of how to categorize patient symptoms for efficient diagnosis has led to structured patient interviews and diagnos…
The choices we make about diet, environment, medications, or alternative therapies constitute a massive collection of "everyday experiments…
CollaboRhythm is a platform that enables patients to be at the center of every interaction in their healthcare with the goal of empowering …
Five billion of the world's six some billion people live in developing countries, where many have no access to basic medical treatments and…
With HealthMap's Outbreaks Near Me application, you have all of HealthMap's latest real-time disease outbreak information at your fingertip…
HealthMap is a multilingual, real-time disease outbreak tracking and visualization system. Launched in fall 2006, the Web site collects ove…