C. Paige, D.D. Haddad, Trent Piercy, J. Todd, F. Ward, A. Ekblaw, D. Newman. "Development and user study of the Operational Geology in a Virtual Environment (OGIVE) platform." Acta Astronautica, Volume 224, 2024, Pages 17-36, ISSN 0094-5765. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actaastro.2024.07.043.
S. Sharma, N. Klop-Packel, A. Ekblaw, “The Astronaut Ethnography Web Project: Insights from First-Person Accounts of Space.” AC-22,E1,9,19,x68611, 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Paris, France, 18-22 September 2022.
Pat Pataranutaporn, Valentina Sumini, Melodie Yashar, Susanna Testa, Marianna Obrist, Scott Davidoff, Amber M. Paul, Dorit Donoviel, Jimmy Wu, Sands A Fish, Ariel Ekblaw, Albrecht Schmidt, Joe Paradiso, and Pattie Maes. 2022. SpaceCHI 2.0: Advancing Human-Computer Interaction Systems for Space Exploration. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts (CHI EA '22).
Ekblaw, Ariel. "Into the Anthropocosmos: A Whole Space Catalog from the MIT Space Exploration Initiative." MIT Press, September 2021. ISBN: 9780262046374
M. Sarang, C. Robinson, A. Ekblaw, J. Guglin, Towards a Lunar Open Architecture: facilitating transparency and collaboration in the new era of lunar exploration. IAC-20-D3.1.2, 71st International Astronautical Congress, 12 – 14 October, 2020.
Sumini, V., Muccillo, M., Milliken, J., Ekblaw, A. and Paradiso, J., 2020. SpaceHuman: A Soft Robotic Prosthetic For Space Exploration. [online] Dl.acm.org. Available at: <https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3334480.3383087> [Accessed: 11 May 2020]
J.K. Schingler, A. Ekblaw, J. Guglin, M. Sarang, Lunar Mission Actor Analysis: Open Information Architecture for International Collaboration, IAC-19-A5.1.10, 70th International Astronautical Congress, Washington D.C., United States, 2019, 21 – 25 October.
Ekblaw, Ariel, and Joseph Paradiso. “ Self-Assembling Space Habitats:TESSERAE Technology and Mission Architecture for Zero-g Construction ” To appear in the Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference (2019).
Ekblaw, A. and Paradiso, J.A., "Self-assembling Space Architecture: tessellated shell structures for space habitats," In AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, Smart/Adaptable Deployable Structures (p. 0481).
Ekblaw, Ariel and Joseph Paradiso. "TESSERAE: self-assembling shell structures for space exploration." In Proceedings of the Annual Symposium of the International Association of Shell and Spatial Structures: Extra Planetary Architecture, p. 317 (2018).
Ekblaw, Ariel, and Joseph Paradiso. "Self-assembling Space Structures: Buckminsterfullerene Sensor Nodes." In 2018 AIAA SciTech / AHS Adaptive Structures Conference, p. 0565. 2018.
Ekblaw, Ariel, Asaph Azaria, John D. Halamka, and Andrew Lippman. "A Case Study for Blockchain in Healthcare:“MedRec” prototype for electronic health records and medical research data." (2016).
Azaria, Asaph, Ariel Ekblaw, Thiago Vieira, and Andrew Lippman. "MedRec: Using Blockchain for Medical Data Access and Permission Management." In Open and Big Data (OBD), International Conference on, pp. 25-30. IEEE, 2016.