In collaboration with graduate students from across the Media Lab, the Digital Learning + Collaboration Studio has helped to develop MAS.S9…
The control of living systems as part of design interfaces is of interest to both the scientific and design communities due to the ability …
Holographic displays offer many advantages, including comfort and maximum realism. In this project we adapt our guided-wave light-modulator…
DUSK was created as part of the Media Lab's Advancing Wellbeing initiative (supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) to create priv…
The electro-holographic video display (Holovideo) project has spanned over decades, beginning back in 1989, and continues to be a main rese…
The goal of this project, building upon work begun by Stephen Benton and the Spatial Imaging group, is to enable consumer devices such as t…
The design process is no longer limited to one group of individuals, as number, level, and cost make tools ever more accessible. As we move…