- Responsive Environments
Don Derek Haddad is a Planetary Science Software Engineer working at NASA Ames Research Center and the Space Exploration Initiative at MIT. He serves as the lead Software Engineer for the MIT Lunar Imaging payload, on the Mobile and Autonomous Prospecting Platform (MAPP) Lunar Rover, developed by Lunar Outpost as part of the Intuitive Machines IM-2 mission.
Don develops pipelines to control hardware and process data from the lunar surface, producing virtual 3D models of microtopographic terrains. His work includes analyzing lunar surface properties using Near-Infrared (NIR) imaging to detect variations in mineral composition, regolith types, and other surface characteristics essential for understanding resource distribution and geological processes. In 2023, Don has completed his PhD thesis in Media Arts and Sciences at the Responsive Environments Group of the MIT Media Lab under the supervision of Prof. Joseph A. Paradiso and a member of the MIT Resource Exploration and Science of OUR Cosmic Environment (RESOURCE), part of the Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI) scientific research body and supported by NASA Ames Research Center, under the supervision of Prof. Dava J. Newman and Dr. Jennifer Heldmann.
Don’s investigating the coupling of the Real, the Imaginary and the Virtual through a series of interdisciplinary research, including fields such as Computer Graphics and Simulations, Artificial Intelligence, and Human-Robot Interaction. Earning a Master of Science in Media Arts and Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in February 2018 for his work on the topic of “Resynthesizing Reality: Driving Vivid Virtual Environments from Sensor Networks” presented at SIGGRAPH17. Don continues to explore ideas that relate to telepresence, ranging between immersion and peripheral awareness, and dynamic representation of Humans, Non-Player Characters, Digital Twins, combined with sensor data, and unmanned vehicles in both hybrid, real , and virtual environments, with past , and ongoing collaborations with MIT Aeroastro, MIT Space Exploration Initiative, NASA Ames Research Center, and robotics and space companies such as Boston Dynamics, Rover Robotics, Intuitive Machines and Lunar Outpost.
Don’s broader interest in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) expands into fields of wearable computing, ambient technology, E-textile, and fashion. Through multiple collaborations on topics of digital knitting technologies and additive manufacturing. Featuring patented research on the methods and apparatus for sensor or controller that includes knitted fabric, and interactive installations such as Tapis Magique, winner of the 2022 Innovation Award at South by Southwest (SXSW22) and the 2022 International MIDI Award. Moreover, Don is an electronic music improviser and inventor of award winning electronic music instruments at international conferences such as the New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME), and the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). In 2021, Don entered the world of musical composition in the indie film industry, by scoring a short experimental film titled “Synthetic: Sync” that was qualified to international film festivals.
MindCube: An Interactive Device for Gauging Emotions. Fangzheng Liu, Don Derek Haddad, Joseph A. Paradiso. UIST Adjunct '24: Adjunct Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, Article No. 30, October 2024.
Azure Kinect à La Luna (AKALL): Leveraging Low-Cost RGB and Depth-Camera in Lunar Exploration. Don D. Haddad, Cody Paige, Ferrous Ward, Joseph A. Paradiso, Dava Newman, Ariel Ekblaw, Amanda Cook, Jennifer Heldmann. IEEE Aeroastro 2024
Responsive Space Environments: New Paradigms in Blending Virtual and Physical Exploration through Human-Robot Operations. MAS PhD Thesis by Don D. Haddad — September 2023.
Leveraging Docker Containers for Azure Kinect Integration in Space Robotics: An Overview of the Azure Kinect à La Luna (AKALL) Framework. Don D. Haddad, Stefan Unterhauser, Cody A. Paige, Ben Brokaw, Ferrous S. Ward, Joseph A. Paradiso, J. Heldmann and Dava J. Newman. Conference on Human-Computer Interaction for Space Exploration (SpaceCHI 3.0) June 22 -23, 2023.
Operational Geology In a Virtual Environment (OGIVE) Novel Approaches to Virtualizing Geological Expeditions for Planetary Exploration. Cody A. Paige, Don D. Haddad, Ferrous S. Ward, Trent J. Piercy, Jessica E. Todd, Joseph A. Paradiso, Dava J. Newman. Conference on Human-Computer Interaction for Space Exploration (SpaceCHI 3.0) June 22 -23, 2023.
Multi-Sensor 3D Data Visualization in Virtual Reality for Planetary Science and Mission Operations. Ferrous S. Ward, Cody A. Paige, Don D. Haddad, Jessica E. Todd, Jennifier Heldmann, Darlene Lim, Ariel Ekblaw and Dava Newman. The International Conference on Environmental Systems ICES 2023.
Data collection in Svalbard, Norway to test the use of virtual reality for Lunar and planetary surface. Cody A. Paige , Don Derek Haddad , Ferrous Ward , Jessica Todd, Ariel Ekblaw, and Dava Newman. The International Conference on Environmental Systems ICES 2023.
From UbiComp to Universe - Moving Pervasive Computing Research Into Space Applications. Ekblaw, A., Cherston, J., Liu, F.Z., Wicaksono, I., Haddad, D.D, Sumini, V., and Paradiso, J.A, IEEE Pervasive Computing 2023 - Best paper of the year.
MIT Zero-G Outreach Initiative: using experiment design and virtual reality to inspire the next generation of space scientists and engineers. C. Paige, F. Ward, D. D. Haddad, J. MacNeil, P. McGaffigan, A. Ekblaw, and D. Newman. Acta Astronautica 2023.
Tapis Magique: Machine-knitted Electronic Textile Carpet for Interactive Choreo-musical Performance and Immersive Environments. Wicaksono, I., Haddad, D. D., & Paradiso, J. In Creativity and Cognition (pp. 262-274) 2023.
Assessment of Depth Data Acquisition Methods for Virtual Reality Mission Operations Support Tools. Forsey-Smerek, A., Paige, C., Ward, F., Haddad, D. D., Sanneman, L., Todd, J., Heldmann, J., Lim, D., & Newman, D. (2022, March). In 2022 IEEE Aerospace Conference (AERO) (pp. 1-14). IEEE.
A virtual reality platform for lunar rover missions to reduce decision-making time and improve situational awareness. Paige, C.A., Forsey-Smerek, A., Haddad, D.D., Ward, F., Piercy, T., Heldmann, J., Lim, D., Colaprete, A., Cook, A. and Newman, D., 2021. In ASCEND 2021 (p. 4203).
Towards the development of 3D lunar surface depth-data collection for geology in virtual reality. Paige, C., Ward, F., Haddad, D.D., Forsey-Smerek, A., Sanneman, L.M., Todd, J., Colaprete, A., Lim, D.S.S., Heldmann, J. and Newman, D., 2021, December. In AGU Fall Meeting 2021. AGU.
Lunar instrument data integration into the Virtual Reality Mission Simulation System for Decision Making and Situational Awareness. Cody A. Paige, Dava Newman, Don Derek Haddad, Ferrous Ward, and Trent Piercy, in Proc. of the 50th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES-2021-227), 12-15 July, 2021.
Baguamarsh: An Immersive Narrative Visualization for Conveying Subjective Experiences. Fei Jiang, Don D. Haddad, Joseph A. Paradiso. Presented at the HCI International (HCII) 20, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Patch-corde: an Expressive Patch Cable for the Modular Synthesizer. Joao Wilbert*, Don D. Haddad*, Hiroshi Ishii, Joseph A. Paradiso. Presented at the New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 20, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, UK, July 21-25, 2020.
Grain Prism: Hieroglyphic Interface for Granular Sampling. Gabriela Bila Advincula, Don Derek Haddad, and Kent Larson. Presented at the New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 19, Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul Porto Alegre, Brazil 3-6 June, 2019.
The World Wide Web in an Analog Patchbay. Don Derek Haddad, and Joseph A Paradiso. Presented at the New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 19, Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul Porto Alegre, Brazil 3-6 June, 2019.
SensorKnit: Architecting Textile Sensors with Machine Knitting. Ou, J.*, Oran, D.*, Haddad, D.D.*, Paradiso, J.A., and Ishii, H. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 6 Issue 1 (February 2019), pp. 1-11. Cover issue.
Resynthesizing Reality: Driving Vivid Virtual Environments from Sensor Networks. MAS Thesis by Don Derek Haddad — February 2018.
Kinesynth: Patching, Modulating, and Mixing a Hybrid Kinesthetic Synthesizer. Don Derek Haddad and Joseph A. Paradiso. Presented at the New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 18, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, VA. June 3-6, 2018.
The Networked Sensory Landscape: Capturing and Experiencing Ecological Change Across Scales. Brian Mayton, Gershon Dublon, Spencer Russell, Evan F. Lynch, Don Derek Haddad, Vasant Ramasubramanian, Clement Duhart, Glorianna Davenport, and Joseph A. Paradiso. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 26(2), MIT Press, 2017.
A Ubiquitous Sensing Model for Environmental Science, Interaction Research, and Public Engagement with Restored Wetlands. Gershon Dublon, Brian Mayton, Don Derek Haddad, Clement Duhart*, Spencer Russell, Glorianna Davenport, Joseph A. Paradiso. Presented at the Society of Wetland Scientists San Juan, Puerto Rico June 5-8, 2017.
Fragile Instruments: Constructing Destructible Musical Interfaces. Don Derek Haddad, Xiao Xiao, Tod Machover, Joseph A. Paradiso, Presented at the New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 17 on May 15-19, 2017, Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark. Best Presentation Award.
Resynthesizing Reality: Driving Vivid Virtual Environments from Sensor Networks. Don Derek Haddad, Gershon Dublon, Brian Mayton, Spencer Russell, Xiao Xiao, Ken Perlin, Joseph A. Paradiso. Presented at SIGGRAPH17 30 July - 3 August, Los Angeles, CA.
Kinéphone: Exploring the Musical Potential of an Actuated Pin-Based Shape Display. Xiao Xiao, Don Derek Haddad, Thomas Sanchez, Akito van Troyer, Rébecca Kleinberger, Penny Webb, Joe Paradiso, Tod Machover, Hiroshi Ishii. Presented at the New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 16, Griffith University, South Bank, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
SoundFORMS: Manipulating Sound Through Touch. Aubrey Colter, Don Derek Haddad, Patlapa Davivongsa, Halla Moore, Brian Tice, Hiroshi Ishii. Presented at the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 16, San Jose, CA, U.S. Best paper, Honorable Mention.
MMODM: Massively Multiplayer Online Drum Machine. Basheer Tome, Don Derek Haddad, Tod Machover, Joseph A. Paradiso. Presented at the New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 16, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, U.S.
Methods And Apparatus For Sensor Or Controller That Includes Knitted Fabric
Publication number: 20200087824
Abstract: A sensor may include a knitted pocket and loose yarn that is inside a cavity of the pocket. In some cases, this loose yarn is neither woven, nor knit, nor otherwise part of a fabric. A resistive pressure sensor may include a knitted pocket and loose conductive yarn that is inside the pocket. Pressure applied to the pocket may compress the loose yarn, which may increase the number of electrical shorts between different parts of the loose yarn, which in turn may decrease the electrical resistance of the loose yarn. A capacitive sensor may include a knitted pocket and insulative loose yarn that is inside the pocket. A strain sensor may include knitted conductive pleats. Electrical shorts may occur in contact areas where neighboring pleats meet. As the strain sensor stretches, these contact areas may become smaller, causing the electrical resistance of the pleats as a group to increase.
Type: Application
Filed: September 16, 2019
Publication date: March 19, 2020
Inventors: Jifei Ou, Daniel Oran, Don D. Haddad
IEEE Pervasive Computing Award 2023 - Best paper of the year: From UbiComp to Universe - Moving Pervasive Computing Research Into Space Applications. With Ekblaw, A., Cherston, J., Liu, F.Z., Wicaksono, I., Sumini, V., and Paradiso, J.A, IEEE Pervasive Computing 2023.
SXSW 2022 Innovation Award - Tapis Magique: A Choreo-musical Interactive Carpet. With Irmmandy Wicaksono and Nina Gentile. Austin, Texas, May 2022.
MIDI Innovation Award 2022 - Tapis Magique: A Choreo-musical Interactive Carpet.
Rhode Island International Film Festival 2020 - semi-finalist at the Oscar-qualifying Rhode Island International Film Festival featuring Synthetic:Sync. A short film directed by Dante Latessa, premiered at the MIT Media Lab on November 12 2021.
Best Presentation Award NIME 2017 - Presented at the New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 17, Aalborg University Copenhagen, Denmark
Best Paper Award CHI 2016 - Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 16, San Jose, CA, U.S