COVID-19 has over only a few short months resulted in the deaths of >400,000 people worldwide (as of mid-June 2020) and has forced many …
A world in which thousands of people can construct and release autonomous biological agents is unlikely to flourishProfessor Kevin Esvelt, …
Contact tracing, isolation, and testing are some of the most powerful public health interventions available, but they haven't been optimize…
Papers from SafePaths: Paths is an MIT-led, free, open source technology that …
Who should decide whether, when, and how to alter the environment? These are hard questions, especially when the decisions will impact peop…
Humanity has harnessed evolution to sculpt domesticated animals, crops, and molecules, but the process remains a black box. Which combinati…
How will gene drive systems evolve once released into the wild? Can they be reliably overwritten and blocked by immunizing reversal drives?…
The world uses an estimated 100 million mice in laboratory research experiments each year. These experiments are monitored and regulated to…
Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne infection in North America. People are infected when bitten by ticks; ticks are typically infe…