Past Member

Jorge Duro-Royo

Former Research Assistant

Parametric Chemistry: Reverse-engineering Biomaterial Composite Structures for Robotic Manufacturing of Bio-Cement Structures across Scales

Duro-Royo, J., Van Zak, J., Tai, Y.J., Ling, A.S. and Oxman, N., 2017. Parametric chemistry reverse engineering biomaterial composites for additive manufacturing of bio-cement structures across scales. In Challenges for Technology Innovation (Vol. 217, No. 223, pp. 217-223).


Towards Fabrication Information Modeling (FIM): Four Case Study Models to Derive Designs informed by Multi-Scale Trans-Disciplinary Data

Jorge Duro-Royo


Modeling Behavior for Distributed Additive Manufacturing

Jorge Duro-Royo, Laia Mogas-Soldevila, Markus Kayser, Neri Oxman


Form Follows Flow: A Material-driven Computational Workflow For Digital Fabrication of Large-Scale Hierarchically Structured Objects

Laia Mogas-Soldevila, Jorge Duro-Royo, Neri Oxman


Physical Feedback in Fabrication Information Modeling (FIM): Analysis and Discussion of Exemplar Cases across Media, Disciplines and Scales

Jorge Duro-Royo, Laia Mogas-Soldevila, Neri Oxman


Towards Fabrication Information Modeling (FIM) : workflow and methods for multi-scale trans-disciplinary informed design

Duro Royo, J. "Towards Fabrication Information Modeling (FIM) : workflow and methods for multi-scale trans-disciplinary informed design"


Designing the Ocean Pavilion: Biomaterial Templating of Structural, Manufacturing, and Environmental Performance

Laia Mogas-Soldevila, Jorge Duro-Royo, Markus Kayser, Daniel Lizardo, William Patrick, Sunanda Sharma, Steven J. Keating, John Klein, Chikara Inamura , Neri Oxman


Flow-based Fabrication: An integrated computational workflow for design and digital additive manufacturing of multifunctional heterogeneously structured objects

Jorge Duro-Royo, Laia Mogas-Soldevila, Neri Oxman


Water-based Robotic Fabrication

Laia Mogas-Soldevila, Jorge Duro-Royo


MetaMesh: A hierarchical computational model for design and fabrication of biomimetic armor surfaces

Jorge Duro-Royo, Katia Zolotovsky, Laia Mogas-Soldevila, Swati Varshney, Neri Oxman, Mary C. Boyce, Christine Ortiz


Silk Pavilion: A Case Study in Fiber-based Digital Fabrication

2014 Oxman, N., Laucks, J., Kayser, M., Duro-Royo, J., Gonzales-Uribe, C., FABRICATE Conference Proceedings, Fabio Gramazio, Matthias Kohler, Silke Lanenber (eds.) ta Verla, Pp. 248-255


Towards Swarm Printing

Neri Oxman, Jorge Duro-Royo, Steven J. Keating, Benjamin Peters , Elizabeth Tsai


Hierarchical Computational Model for Digital Design and Fabrication of Biomimetic Armor Surfaces 2

K. Zolotovsky, Jorge Duro-Royo, Laia Mogas-Soldevila, S. Varshney, Neri Oxman, M. Boyce, C. Ortiz


Silk Pavilion: A Case Study in Fiber-based Digital Fabrication

Neri Oxman, Jared Laucks, Markus Kayser, Jorge Duro-Royo, Carlos David Gonzalez Uribe


Biological Computation for Digital Design & Fabrication

Neri Oxman, Jared Laucks, Markus Kayser, Carlos David Gonzalez Uribe, Jorge Duro-Royo


Hierarchical Computational Model for Digital Design and Fabrication of Biomimetic Armor Surfaces 1

Jorge Duro-Royo, K. Zolotovsky, Laia Mogas-Soldevila, S. Varshney, Neri Oxman, M. Boyce, C. Ortiz