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Mothersill, P., & Bove, V. M. (2019, June). Design Daydreams: Juxtaposing Digital and Physical Inspiration. In Companion Publication of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2019 Companion (pp. 265-269).
Mothersill, P., & Bove, V. M. (2019). Beyond Average Tools. On the use of ‘dumb’ computation and purposeful ambiguity to enhance the creative process. The Design Journal, 22(sup1), 1147-1161.
Philippa Mothersill & V. Michael Bove Jr. (2018) An Ontology of Computational Tools for Design Activities, Proceedings of DRS2018 International Conference, 25–28 June 2018, Limerick, Ireland, p1261-1277, DOI: 10.21606/dma.2018.456
Mothersill, P., & Bove Jr, V. M. (2015, April). The EmotiveModeler: An Emotive Form Design CAD Tool. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 339-342). ACM.
Mothersill, P. "The Form of Emotive Design"
Laura Perovich, Philippa Mothersill, Farah, J. B.,