Past Member

Panagiotis Symvoulidis

Former Postdoctoral Associate

Panos is a postdoctoral associate in the Synthetic Neurobiology group at the MIT Media Lab. He acquired his Electrical and Computer Engineering Diploma from the NTUA (Greece). During his PhD at the TU Munich (Germany), he worked on (pre-)clinical cancer imaging using optical methods[1]. Later on, Panos focused on the transparent brains of Zebrafish larvae, and he engineered a novel tracking microscope[2}. Intrigued by the neural circuits that give rise to behaviour, he joined Boyden's lab to use the Synthetic Neurobiology toolbox, aiming to shed light upon the structure and function of the vertebrate brain.

Selected past publication:
[1]: Koch M*, Symvoulidis P*, Ntziachristos V. Tackling standardization in fluore
scence molecular imaging. Nature Photonics. 2018 Aug 20:1. (doi: 10.1038/s41566-018-0221-5)

[2]: Symvoulidis P, Lauri A, ..., Westmeyer G. NeuBtracker-imaging neurobehavioral dynamics in freely behaving fish. Nature Methods. 2017 Nov;14(11):1079. (doi: 10.1038/nmeth.4459