Neil Gaikwad, a doctoral student at the Space Enabled research group, has been chosen for the 2019 INK Fellowship Program for Emerging Innovators. Every year, INK identifies 20 young achievers who are redefining their fields of work or the world around them. This year INK selected its 20 fellows from over 900 candidates around the world.
Neil researches human-centered AI and public policy for sustainable systems. He develops systems that combine human-and-artificial intelligence to study the underlying nature and impact of these processes on sustainability, analyzing socioeconomic and remote sensing satellite data. Drawing upon this understanding, his work informs designs of socio-technical systems and equitable policies for resiliency planning.
Neil is also a Facebook Research Fellow and recipient of the Karl Taylor Compton Prize, MIT's highest student award. For more information about his research, visit webpage or @neilsgaikwad.