
A Trip to the Moon: Personalized Animated Movies for Self-reflection

Peng F., LaBelle V., Yue E., and Picard R.. "A Trip to the Moon: Personalized Animated Movies for Self-reflection." Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 2018.


Self-tracking physiological and psychological data poses the challenge of presentation and interpretation. Insightful narratives for self-tracking data can motivate the user towards constructive self-reflection. One powerful form of narrative that engages audience across various culture and age groups is animated movies. We collected a week of self-reported mood and behavior data from each user and created in Unity a personalized animation based on their data. We evaluated the impact of their video in a randomized control trial with a non-personalized animated video as control. We found that personalized videos tend to be more emotionally engaging, encouraging greater and lengthier writing that indicated self-reflection about moods and behaviors, compared to non-personalized control videos.

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