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AttentivU: Designing EEG and EOG Compatible Glasses for Physiological Sensing and Feedback in the Car

Nataliya Kosmyna, Caitlin Morris, Thanh Nguyen, Sebastian Zepf, Javier Hernandez, and Pattie Maes. 2019. AttentivU: Designing EEG and EOG Compatible Glasses for Physiological Sensing and Feedback in the Car. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutomotiveUI '19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 355-368.


Several research projects have recently explored the use of physiological sensors such as electroencephalography (EEG) or electrooculography (EOG) to measure the engagement and vigilance of a user in context of car driving. However, these systems still suffer from limitations such as an absence of a socially acceptable form-factor and use of impractical, gel-based electrodes. We present AttentivU, a device using both EEG and EOG for real-time monitoring of physiological data. The device is designed as a socially acceptable pair of glasses and employs silver electrodes. It also supports real-time delivery of feedback in the form of an auditory signal via a bone conduction speaker embedded in the glasses. A detailed description of the hardware design and proof of concept prototype is provided, as well as preliminary data collected from 20 users performing a driving task in a simulator in order to evaluate the signal quality of the physiological data.


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