
Spellbound: An activity-based outdoor mobile multiplayer game

Sra, M. "Spellbound: An activity-based outdoor mobile multiplayer game"


Traditional outdoor recreation is physically and emotionally rewarding from goal di- rected social activities and encourages a connection with the real world but can be logistically difficult. Online gaming allows people to play together despite physical distances and differences in time zones. Players enjoy new experiences in awe-inspiring interactive worlds while effectively inactive. This project is a physically active outdoor social game that embeds a layer of fantasy and challenge in the real world employ- ing location-based technologies available on mobile phones. Requiring the game be multiplayer in real-time and played in a physical space presents certain limitations in the design of input and output mechanics. This project demonstrates how those con- straints were managed to create a compelling experience. A sixteen people evaluation validates the concept while observations and feedback suggest future improvements.

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