
Analysis Tools for Electrodermal Activity in Sleep

by Oliver Saunders Wilder

Oct. 5, 2017


Open Source Matlab scripts to analyze electrodermal activity and actigraphy data from Affectiva Q-sensor with sleep stages

These tools are matlab scripts to analyze electrodermal activity and actigraphy data from Affectiva Q-sensor with sleep stages.

This research project is funded by NIH/NCRR 1 UL1 RR024975-01.

“Measuring Sleep in Autism: Use of Wireless, Comfortable, and Home-Based Tools.”.

Please cite the following paper if you use any part of the codes.

Akane Sano, Rosalind W. Picard, Toward a Taxonomy of Autonomic Sleep Patterns with Electrodermal Activity, IEEE EMBC 2011, Boston, USA, August 2011

Tools (2012.04.18)

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