Juliana Cherston (PhD student, Responsive Environments group) will give an invited talk at the University of Minnesota's "Design of Medical Devices" conference, focused on the history of electronic skins in the Responsive Environments group. She will also share her ongoing work to leverage this technology in harsh and resource constrained environments for contributing to the wellbeing and safety of humans at the frontiers of exploration.
Talk abstract: Humanity’s instinctive will to explore draws modern civilization towards evermore extreme environments. Alas, until it is possible to substantially alter the human body, the humble textile will continue to serve as a boundary—a second skin— for the arctic explorer, for the deep-sea diver, and indeed for the astronaut. For the first time, we are leveraging electronic textiles in space, the ultimate frontier for exploration where large area protective fabrics have decades of flight heritage.
Link is here: http://www.dmd.umn.edu/2020/Wearables1.html