The MIT Media Lab Space Exploration Initiative travels to NASA's NIEA conference this week, to present our biomimicry and nature-inspired research. Six Media Lab researchers and recent alums have been accepted to give talks or present posters:
Kate Adamala (Visiting Appointment alum, SN) on "Bioengineering with Synthetic Minimal Cells"
Ariel Ekblaw (RE) on "Nature-Inspired Assembly: Biomimetic Approaches of the MIT Media Lab Space Initiative"
Shannon Johnson (SN) & Andreas Mershin (CBA) on "Shifted Wavelength Photosynthesis for Biomass Production"
Viirj Kan (TMG alum) on "Multi-output Biomaterial Displays with Organic Primitives"
Xin Liu (FI alum, and research affiliate) on "Orbit Weaver: Arachnids Inspired Navigation in Zero Gravity"
Jifei Ou (TMG) on "Cillia: 3D Printing Functional Hair-Like Structures"
More information on NIEA 2017: