On the BBC’s Follow the Food, OpenAg head Caleb Harper and other experts discuss how technology is transforming our food systems.
Caleb Harper discusses how machine learning-enabled "food computers" were used to find the optimal conditions to grow basil.
OpenAg is invited to showcase its latest Food Computer design in the Cooper Hewitt Design Triennial, the Barbican Centre, and the V&A Museum
Machine learning can reveal optimal growing conditions to maximize taste and other features.
An active and passionate community of over 2,500 people spread across 62 countries have rallied around the open source platform.
"Food computers" can tell us everything we need to know about what we grow and eat.
60 Minutes goes inside the MIT Media Lab.
It’s Thanksgiving season again, and the double shadow on our great American food holiday is feast and famine, both. A bounteous industrial …
Students grow food using tabletop greenhouses controlled by computers.
The Jordan Times says Caleb Harper's "vision is to provide farmers with knowledge of food, rather than simply the product."
MIT initiative is producing climate recipes for tastier crops.
Caleb Harper's TED Talk