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Death and the Powers: Redefining Opera

Paula Aguilera


Powers Live: A Global Interactive Opera Simulcast

Torpey, P., Bloomberg, B.


Music and Technology in Death and the Powers

Jessop, E., Torpey, P., Bloomberg, B. NIME’11, 30 May–1 June 2011, Oslo, Norway


Biologically Inspired Robots for Stage Performance

Dong, W. "Biologically Inspired Robots for Stage Performance"


Disembodied Performance: Abstraction of Representation in Live Theater

Torpey, P. "Disembodied Performance: Abstraction of Representation in Live Theater"


Disembodied Performance

Peter Alexander Torpey and Elena Naomi Jessop. 2009. Disembodied performance. CHI '09 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 3685–3690. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/1520340.1520555


Digital systems for live multimodal performance in Death and the Powers

Torpey, Peter. (2014). Digital systems for live multimodal performance in Death and the Powers. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media. 8. 109-123. 10.1386/padm.8.1.109_1.