🚨Application to the 2022 Co-Design Experience here bit.ly/codesign2022 🚨
In the Civic Media and Space Enabled groups, we are exploring new theoretical frameworks for design, and novel design education methodologies that serve a future celebrating the pluriversal (Escobar, 2018) rather than the universal.
The “Co-Design Experience: Technology Design for Coffee Production” is a program exploring this concept. During IAP 2019, this experience convened 16 participants from seven countries to explore technological, social, and business solutions for small-scale coffee production along with coffee growers in rural Colombia. The course was a unique, multidisciplinary, multicultural design experience in which people came together to co-design technologies and to connect with rural coffee growers inventive practices in rural Colombia.
The course immersed participants into different agricultural practices, primarily coffee growing, as well as in the ontologies traditional to these practices. In an effort to expose participants to non-mainstream design methods and mechanisms of invention, our research team focused on surfacing local knowledge through research materials and hands-on activities.