
Here be Dragons, Track A

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MIT Media Lab

Joi Ito, Director of MIT Media Lab - Welcome
Alex Moen, VP Explorer Programs, National Geographic Society - Welcome
Katy Croff Bell, Founder and Lead, MIT Media Lab Open Ocean initiative
Robert Ballard, geological oceanographer and deep sea explorer; President of the Ocean Exploration Trust and Professor at the University of Rhode Island - Keynote
Moderator: Peter Girguis, biogeochemist; Professor, Harvard University - Session 1: At the Edge of the Map, Exploration and Discovery
Adam Soule, volcanologist; Chief Scientist for Deep Submergence, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Exploration and Discovery
Kakani Katija, bioengineer; Principal Engineer, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute - Exploration and Discovery
Beverly Goodman, geoarchaeologist; Asst. Professor, Charney School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa - Exploration and Discovery
Kenny Broad, environmental anthropologist; Director of the Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy, University of Miami - Exploration and Discovery
Moderator: Dava Newman SM'89, PhD'92, Professor, MIT Aeronautics and Astronautics - Session 2: Deep Data, Analysis and Sharing
Katy Croff Bell '00, deep sea explorer; Founder and Lead, MIT Media Lab Open Ocean initiative - Analysis and Sharing
Alan Turchik, Product Development Manager, Exploration Technology Lab, National Geographic Labs - Analysis and Sharing
Grace Young ‘14, ocean engineer; PhD Candidate, Oxford University - Analysis and Sharing
Ben Woodward, applied machine learning researcher; Co-Founder, CVision AI - Analysis and Sharing
Moderator: Devora Najjar, Sculpting Evolution, MIT Media Lab - Lighting Talks
Martin Klein '62, Martin Klein Consultants - Monsters in Loch Ness? Really?
Shannon Johnson, Synthetic Neurobiology, MIT Media Lab - Discovering New Tools from Nature
Devora Najjar, Sculpting Evolution, MIT Media Lab - Diving into the Deep Ocean Microbiome
Mark Adams, Center for Coastal Studies - Sensing the sea floor in analog and digital, knots and waveforms
Andrea Ling, Mediated Matter, MIT Media Lab - Aguahoja: Making an Ocean Pavilion
Xin Liu, Space Exploration Initiative, MIT Media Lab - Being A Tree
Siranush Babakhanova and Daniel Oran, Synthetic Neurobiology, MIT Media Lab
Ben Bray, MIT Sea Grant - A Vitreous Approach to Public Oceanography
Miriam Simun, Design Fiction, MIT Media Lab - Training Transhumanism Underwater
Allan Adams MIT Future Oceans Lab - Tackling Bottlenecks in Ocean Conservation with Low-cost Tech
Miranda Kotidis, MIT Towing Tank - Understanding Fluid Phenomena and Designing the Next Generation of Ocean Vehicles
Veevee Cai, Mediated Matter, MIT Media Lab - Robots for Ad-hoc Underwater Infrastructure
Danielle Wood, Space Enabled, MIT Media Lab - Exploring the Ocean from Space
Ariel Ekblaw, Space Exploration Initiative and Responsive Environments, MIT Media Lab - Sister Initiatives - From Oceans to Space, and back!
Moderator: Mike Bove, Director, Object-Based Media, MIT Media Lab - Session 3: All Hands on Deck, Sea Stories
Corey Jaskolski SM’02, technologist and inventor; Founder, Hydro Technologies
Susan Poulton, Chief Digital Officer, The Franklin Institute
Kaitlin Yarnall, VP of Media Innovation, National Geographic Society
Brian Skerry, underwater photographer and photojournalist
Nick Whitney, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life, New England Aquarium - Hook, line, and sinker? New tech to study the life and death of sharks
Scott Kraus, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life, New England Aquarium - Wildlife in an Industrial Ocean
Mara Freilich, MIT/WHOI Joint Program - Meandering routes of plankton communities
Clement Duhart, Responsive Environments, MIT Media Lab - AI Landscapes: Computing the Sound of Wetland Restoration
Gershon Dublon, Responsive Environments, MIT Media Lab - Sensory Landscapes: Extended Intelligence and a New Ecological Sensibility
Katherine McConachie, Learning Initiative, MIT Media Lab - Designing Creative Learning Communities
Laura Perovich, Object-based Media, MIT Media Lab - Pokemon Go, pH, and projectors: environmental justice and the Chelsea River
Jeremy Stroming, MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics - Ocean Data Visualization for Citizen Engagement
Max Vilgalys, MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society - Machine Learning to Expand Public Understanding of Climate Science
Travis Rich, Viral Communications, MIT Media Lab - Show and Tell and Publish
Casey Zakroff, MIT/WHOI Joint Program - Science and Comics: Sequential Visual Narratives
Quantum Wei, MIT Water Club - Thirsty Cities
Gualtiero Spiro Jaeger, MIT Water Club - MIT Water Night
Thomas Consi, MIT Sea Grant - Micro-Safaris: The Display of Live Marine Microorganisms at Public Aquariums
Yihyun Lim, MIT Design Lab
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