
Media Lab @ 2019 International Astronautical Congress


International Aeronautical Congress

International Aeronautical Congress

Monday — Friday
October 21, 2019 —
October 25, 2019

The International Astronautical Congress in Washington, DC brings together about 5,000 members of the global space community. Covering all space sectors and topics, it offers everyone the latest  information and developments in academia and industry, networking opportunities, contacts, and potential collaborations.

This year, the Media Lab's Space Enabled research group and Space Exploration Initiative will present a combined 16 technical papers and four special talks. Additionally, three students were selected via competitive processes to receive travel grants to attend IAC. The students were chosen to receive travel funding by three different entities that seek to support the participation of students in the IAC: Future Space Leaders Foundation, NASA, and the Secure World Foundation.  Also during this year's IAC, Professor Danielle Wood, Director of the Space Enabled research group, will be inducted into the International Academy of Astronautics.

Learn more about the Media Lab's participation in IAC below.

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