Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International
David Anderton
This project aims to show a different picture of the data behind the news, looking at how we analyze, represent, and interact with it. …
The news is probably one of the first things people check in the morning, but how much does what you know and understand about the world de…
A large portion of popular media is remixed: existing media content is spliced and re-ordered in a manner that serves a specific narrative.…
Recording your reaction to a short video is becoming the new gossip; famous watchers get as many as 750,000 views. We attempt to transform …
Archived TV programs evoke earlier times. This application combines a video and music archive with an immersive screen and a simple user in…
8K Time into Space is a user interface for a video exploration system with an 8K display. 8K is an ultra high-definition video system and i…
Holographic displays offer many advantages, including comfort and maximum realism. In this project we adapt our guided-wave light-modulator…
PubPub reinvents publication to align with the way the web was designed: collaborative, evolving, and open. PubPub uses a graphical format …
We are creating consumer-grade appliances and authoring methodologies that will allow hallucinatory phenomena to be programmed and utilized…
A tabletop set of cellular automata ready to exhibit complex systems through simple behaviors, AutomaTiles explores emergent behavior throu…
Suitable for anywhere a "Pepper's Ghost" display could be deployed, this display adds 3D with motion parallax, as well as optically relayin…
A Live Object is a small device that can stream media content wirelessly to nearby mobile devices without an Internet connection. Live Obje…
NewsClouds presents a visual exploration of how the news reporting of an event evolves over time. Each "cloud" represents a publication and…
We are adding an olfactory dimension to storytelling in order to create more immersive and evocative experiences. Smell Narratives allows t…
4K/8K Comics applies the affordances of ultra-high-resolution screens to traditional print media such as comic books, graphic novels, and o…
Narratarium augments printed and oral stories and creative play by projecting immersive images and sounds. We are using natural language pr…
The electro-holographic video display (Holovideo) project has spanned over decades, beginning back in 1989, and continues to be a main rese…
The goal of this project, building upon work begun by Stephen Benton and the Spatial Imaging group, is to enable consumer devices such as t…
Plethora creates simultaneous, localized, personal broadcasting networks that allow audiences to form on-the-fly and build their own media …
Recast is a media curation and distribution platform that enables anyone to create and distribute "news programs" that represent their view…
One future of media experience lies within a socially connected virtual world. VR started almost 30 years ago and is now wearable, real-tim…
A physical interface designed for simultaneous social interaction with visual material. We built a hemispherical, multi-person, interactive…
Helios provides an automatic way of socializing one's video interactions. It is a Chrome browser plug-in that records user's encounters wit…
Wearable devices and ambient displays need to atomize video to evocative excerpts as glanceable as a still image. Glyph is a web-based tool…
We address two critical elements of news: that it informs, and that it is trustworthy. Glance creates dynamic, real-time, semantic control …
World Lens informs users about newsworthy events that are both popular and obscure. It is a front page that is both navigable and scalable,…
Recap uses Glue to automatically create video casts, allowing users to specify how much time they have available and then intelligently fil…
We present two scalable ways to explore and distribute media in all forms: video, text, and graphics; published and conversational. The fir…
The Telecorrelator allows people to view multiple perspectives of real-time news events aligned by content as well as time. It reveals emph…
Digital Synesthesia looks to evolve the idea of human-computer interfacing and give way for human-world interacting. It aims to find a way …