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Coretti-Sanchez, N., et al. "Urban Mobility Swarms: Towards a Decentralized Autonomous Bicycle-Sharing System." 2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC). IEEE, 2023.
Naroa Coretti Sanchez, Luis Alonso Pastor, Kent Larson, Can autonomy make bicycle-sharing systems more sustainable? An environmental impact analysis, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 113, 2022, 103489, ISSN 1361-9209,
Sanchez, Naroa Coretti, et al. "On the performance of shared autonomous bicycles: A simulation study." Communications in Transportation Research 2 (2022): 100066
Naroa Coretti Sanchez, Iñigo Martinez, Luis Alonso Pastor, Kent Larson, "On the simulation of shared autonomous micro-mobility", Communications in Transportation Research, Volume 2 (2022): 100065, ISSN 2772-4247,
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Doorley, R., Berke, A., Noyman, A., Alonso, L., Ribó, J., Arroyo, V., Pons, M. and Larson, K., 2021. Mobility and COVID-19 in Andorra: Country-scale analysis of high-resolution mobility patterns and infection spread. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 26(1), pp.183-193.
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Arnaud Grignard, Núria Macià, Luis Alonso Pastor, Ariel Noyman, Yan Zhang, and Kent Larson. 2018. CityScope Andorra: A Multi-level Interactive and Tangible Agent-based Visualization. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS '18). International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Richland, SC, 1939-1940.
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