Fadel Adib

Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences

The Underwater Backscatter Channel: Theory, Link Budget, and Experimental Validation

Waleed Akbar, Ahmed Allam, and Fadel Adib. 2023. The Underwater Backscatter Channel: Theory, Link Budget, and Experimental Validation. Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 51, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1145/3570361.3613265


Enabling Long-Range Underwater Backscatter via Van Atta Acoustic Networks

Aline Eid, Jack Rademacher, Waleed Akbar, Purui Wang, Ahmed Allam, and Fadel Adib. 2023. Enabling Long-Range Underwater Backscatter via Van Atta Acoustic Networks. In ACM SIGCOMM 2023 Conference (ACM SIGCOMM ’23), September 10, 2023, New York, NY, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 19 pages


A Handheld Fine-Grained RFID Localization System with Complex-Controlled Polarization

Laura Dodds, Isaac Perper, Aline Eid, and Fadel Adib. 2023. A Handheld Fine-Grained RFID Localization System with Complex-Controlled Polarization. Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 7, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1145/3570361.3592504


Software-Controlled Polarization for Longer-Range RFID Reading and Localization

L. Dodds, N. Naeem, A. Eid and F. Adib, "Software-Controlled Polarization for Longer-Range RFID Reading and Localization," 2023 IEEE International Conference on RFID (RFID), Seattle, WA, USA, 2023, pp. 90-95, doi: 10.1109/RFID58307.2023.10178674.


Exploiting Synergies between Augmented Reality and RFIDs for Item Localization and Retrieval

T. Boroushaki, M. Lam, W. Chen, L. Dodds, A. Eid and F. Adib, "Exploiting Synergies between Augmented Reality and RFIDs for Item Localization and Retrieval," 2023 IEEE International Conference on RFID (RFID), Seattle, WA, USA, 2023, pp. 30-35, doi: 10.1109/RFID58307.2023.10178452.


Augmenting Augmented Reality with Non-Line-of-Sight Perception

Boroushaki, Tara, et al. "Augmenting Augmented Reality with {Non-Line-of-Sight} Perception." 20th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 23). 2023.


Batteryless, Wireless, and Secure SoC for Implantable Strain Sensing

M. R. Abdelhamid, U. Ha, U. Banerjee, F. Adib and A. P. Chandrakasan, "Batteryless, Wireless, and Secure SoC for Implantable Strain Sensing," in IEEE Open Journal of the Solid-State Circuits Society, vol. 3, pp. 41-51, 2023, doi: 10.1109/OJSSCS.2022.3230000.


Battery-free wireless imaging of underwater environments

Afzal, S.S., Akbar, W., Rodriguez, O. et al. Battery-free wireless imaging of underwater environments. Nat Commun 13, 5546 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-33223-x


FuseBot: RF-Visual Mechanical Search

Boroushaki, Tara, Dodds, Laura, Naeem, Nazish, and Adib, Fadel. FuseBot: RF-Visual Mechanical Search. Retrieved from https://par.nsf.gov/biblio/10393541. Robotics: Science and Systems 2022 .


Wireless, Batteryless, and Secure Implantable System-on-a-Chip for 1.37mmHg Strain Sensing with Bandwidth Reconfigurability for Cross-Tissue

M. R. Abdelhamid, U. Ha, U. Banerjee, F. Adib and A. Chandrakasan, "Wireless, Batteryless, and Secure Implantable System-on-a-Chip for 1.37mmHg Strain Sensing with Bandwidth Reconfigurability for Cross-Tissue Adaptation," 2022 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), Newport Beach, CA, USA, 2022, pp. 1-2, doi: 10.1109/CICC53496.2022.9772815.


WiStress: Contactless Stress Monitoring Using Wireless Signals

Ha, Unsoo, Sohrab Madani, and Fadel Adib. "WiStress: Contactless Stress Monitoring Using Wireless Signals." Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 5.3 (2021): 1-37.


Robotic Grasping of Fully-Occluded Objects using RF Perception

Boroushaki, Tara, et al. "Robotic Grasping of Fully-Occluded Objects using RF Perception." IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2021).


A Scalable Solution for Signaling Face Touches to Reduce the Spread of Surface-based Pathogens

Camilo Rojas, Niels Poulsen, Mileva Van Tuyl, Daniel Vargas, Zipporah Cohen, Joe Paradiso, Pattie Maes, Kevin Esvelt, and Fadel Adib. 2021. A Scalable Solution for Signaling Face Touches to Reduce the Spread of Surface-based Pathogens.. Proc. ACM IMWUT


Self-Reconfigurable Micro-Implants for Cross-Tissue Wireless and Batteryless Connectivity

Mohamed R. Abdelhamid, Ruicong Chen, Joonhyuk Cho, Anantha P. Chandrakasan, Fadel Adib . 2020. Self-Reconfigurable Micro-Implants for CrossTissue Wireless and Batteryless Connectivity. In The 26th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom ’20), September 21–25, 2020, London, United Kingdom. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 14 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3372224.3419216


Contactless Seismocardiography via Deep Learning Radars

Ha, Unsoo, Salah Assana, and Fadel Adib. "Contactless seismocardiography via deep learning radars." Proceedings of the 26th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking. 2020.


Food and Liquid Sensing in Practical Environments using RFIDs

Food and Liquid Sensing in Practical Environments using RFIDs. Unsoo Ha, Junshan Leng, Alaa Khaddaj and Fadel Adib. Usenix NSDI 2020


Underwater Backscatter Networking

Underwater Backscatter Networking. JunSu Jang and Fadel Adib. ACM SIGCOMM 2019


Minding the Billions: Ultra-wideband Localization for Deployed RFID Tags

Minding the Billions: Ultra-wideband Localization for Deployed RFID Tags, Yunfei Ma, Nicholas Selby, and Fadel Adib. ACM MobiCom '17


Drone Relays for Battery-Free Networks

Drone Relays for Battery-Free Networks. Yunfei Ma, Nicholas Selby, and Fadel Adib. ACM SIGCOMM 2017


Emotion Recognition using Wireless Signals

Emotion Recognition using Wireless Signals. Mingmin Zhao, Fadel Adib, Dina Katabi. International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom’16)


Capturing the Human Figure Through a Wall

Capturing the Human Figure Through a Wall. Fadel Adib, Chen-Yu Hsu, Hongzi Mao, Dina Katabi, Fredo Durand. ACM SIGGRAPH Asia'15, Kobe, Japan, November 2015


Multi-Person Localization via RF Body Reflections

WiTrack: Through-Wall 3D Tracking Using Body Radio Reflections. Fadel Adib, Zach Kabelac, Dina Katabi. Usenix NSDI'15, Oakland, California, May 2015


Smart Homes that Monitor Breathing and Heart Rate

Smart Homes that Monitor Breathing and Heart Rate. Fadel Adib, Hongzi Mao, Zachary Kabelac, Dina Katabi, Robert C. Miller. Proceeding CHI '15 Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.


3D tracking via body radio reflections

Fadel Adib, Zachary Kabelac, Dina Katabi, Robert C. Miller. Proceedings of the 11th USENIX Conference on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, Pages 317-329.


Interference Alignment by Motion

Fadel Adib, Swarun Kumar, Omid Aryan, Shyamnath Gollakota, and Dina Katabi. 2013. Interference alignment by motion. In Proceedings of the 19th annual international conference on Mobile computing & networking (MobiCom '13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 279-290.


RF-compass: robot object manipulation using RFIDs

Jue Wang, Fadel Adib, Ross Knepper, Dina Katabi, and Daniela Rus. 2013. RF-compass: robot object manipulation using RFIDs. In Procs of the 19th annual international conference on Mobile computing & networking (MobiCom '13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 3-14.


See through walls with WiFi!

Fadel Adib and Dina Katabi. 2013. See through walls with WiFi!. SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev. 43, 4 (August 2013), 75-86. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2534169.2486039


Faster GPS via the sparse fourier transform

Haitham Hassanieh, Fadel Adib, Dina Katabi, and Piotr Indyk. 2012. Faster GPS via the sparse fourier transform. In Proceedings of the 18th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking (Mobicom '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 353-364.


Clearing the RF smog: making 802.11n robust to cross-technology interference

Shyamnath Gollakota, Fadel Adib, Dina Katabi, and Srinivasan Seshan. 2011. Clearing the RF smog: making 802.11n robust to cross-technology interference. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2011 conference (SIGCOMM '11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 170-181.


It's Time to Scale: Face Recognition Beyond the Precision

Fadel Adib and Jad Kabbara. FEASC'11, Beirut, Lebanon, May 2011


VSpyware: Spyware in VANETs

Fadel M. Adib and Hazem Hajj. 2010. VSpyware: Spyware in VANETs. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE 35th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN '10). IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, USA, 621-624.


Efficient time and frequency methods for sampling filter functions

Fadel M. Adib and Hazem M. Hajj. 2010. Efficient time and frequency methods for sampling filter functions. Procs of the 4th intl conf on Image and signal processing (ICISP'10), Elmoataz, Lezoray, Nouboud, Mammass, Meunier (Eds). Springer-Verlag, Berlin.


Empirical, Analytical, and Programmable Methods for Computing Sampling Rates of Filter Functions

Eighth AUB FEA Student Conference 2009


3D Backscatter Localization for Fine-Grained Robotics

Zhihong Luo, Qiping Zhang, Yunfei Ma, Manish Singh, and Fadel Adib. 16th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 19).