Digital machine knitting is a highly programmable manufacturing process that has been utilized to produce apparel, accessories, and footwea…
kinetiX is a transformable material featuring a design that resembles a cellular structure. It consists of rigid plates or rods and elastic…
Printflatables is a design and fabrication system for human-scale, functional and dynamic inflatable objects. The user begins with specifyi…
Auto-inflatables explores the design space of self-inflating structures. By using chemical reactions as a source of carbon dioxide on-deman…
Pneuduino is a hardware platform for kids, students, artists, designers, and researchers who are interested in controlling air flow and pre…
Cells’ biomechanical responses to external stimuli have been intensively studied but rarely implemented into devices that interact wit…
This project introduces layer jamming as an enabling technology for designing deformable, stiffness-tunable, thin sheet interfaces. Interfa…
An enabling technology to build shape-changing interfaces through pneumatically driven, soft-composite materials. The composite materials i…
IdeaA lab is where unique ideas are generated and early prototypes are synthesized. A factory is where designs are mass produced and qualit…