Media Arts & Sciences
About Media Arts & Sciences


Andy Ryan

Andy Ryan

The Program in Media Arts & Sciences at the MIT Media Lab

The Media Lab's Program in Media Arts and Sciences (MAS), housed within MIT’s School of Architecture and Planning (SA+P), is home to over 200 graduate students and hosts more than 400 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROPs). Each year, the program accepts approximately 40-50 master's and PhD candidates with diverse backgrounds, ranging from computer science to psychology, architecture to neuroscience, engineering to materials science, music to design, and beyond.

Students come to the Media Lab through the Program in Media Arts and Sciences (MAS), based within MIT’s School of Architecture + Planning. Each year, the program accepts approximately 50 master’s and PhD candidates with backgrounds ranging from computer science to psychology, architecture to neuroscience, mechanical engineering to material science, and more.

MAS offers approximately 30 graduate courses and several undergraduate subjects. Media Lab courses explore several themes, including, for example, human-computer interaction, communications, learning, design, and entrepreneurship.

MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms, an interdisciplinary initiative investigating the interface between computer science and physical science, also admits students through the Program in Media Arts and Sciences. The Center is known for its global network of digital fabrication facilities.

Image copyright Andy Ryan 

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