We're so proud of everything you've accomplished here, and can't wait to see what you do next.
In this interview with MIT MAD, Pedro Reynolds-Cuéllar discusses his work, which explores the intersection of culture and technology.
Congratulations to Daniella DiPaola, Pedro Reynolds-Cuéllar, and Hope Schroeder on being 2023 recipients of the Gary Mardsen Travel Awards.
New prize program recognizes MIT researchers who make data openly accessible and reusable.
The following winners and honorable mentions include members of the Media Lab community, and were selected from more than 70 nominees.
The MIT School of Science and the MIT Libraries present the inaugural MIT Prize for Open Data to highlight the value of open data at MIT.
Meet the MIT Morningside Academy for Design’s inaugural fellows, including Pedro Reynolds-Cuéllar and Francesca Riccio-Ackerman.
The Unsung Hero Award from the Office of Graduate Education recognizes students who have shown commitment and passion for the community.
An evolving list of IAP activities hosted by members of the Media Lab community in collaboration with other departments.
“Growing together, remaining apart: The role of digital technology in former guerrilla fighters’ social capital."
Chelsea Barabas and Pedro Reynolds-Cuellar join Space Enabled as Graduate Researchers.
Device not only helps record dream reports, but also guides dreams toward particular themes.
The 2020 MIT Independent Activities Period (IAP) runs from January 6–January 31.
RETOS—an AI-powered web platform to facilitate, enhance, visualize, and predict connections between thousands of challenges posted by rural…
Congratulations to all who graduated during the 2018-2019 academic year!
Civic Media PhD student Pedro Reynolds-Cuellar serves as president of the association.
A group at MIT’s Media Lab known as the “Dream Team” thinks you can harness your unconscious mind with tech you can wear to bed.
Click looks at whether AI could ever create an artistic masterpiece.