Aguahoja II builds upon the platform technology of its predecessor, enabling large-scale multi-material 3D printing with abundant, organic …
Aguahoja III expands the capabilities of a broad library of sustainable, organic 3D materials with generative patterns that countervail str…
In concert with the Mediated Matter group's HLM additive manufacturing research, the emergent field of Hybrid Living Fibers (HLF) or "…
What are radically sustainable methods for knitting, making and building in the age of the Anthropocene? How can humankind and members of o…
Hybrid Living Materials (HLMs) are formed by combining living and non-living materials such that the resulting composites take on the funct…
A major concern for manned missions is space radiation. Ionizing radiation is known to pose both acute and chronic risks to many organisms,…
How might zero gravity space affect silk spinning, and what benefits might such material properties provide for digital fabrication and add…
Maiden Flight is an autonomous biological laboratory environment designed for studying the impact of space flight on the sole reproductive …
Programmable Water-Based Biocomposites for Digital Design and Fabrication across ScalesAguahoja is an exploration of nature’s design space.…
Biodiversity on planet Earth is under momentous threat, with extinction rates estimated between 100 and 1,000 times their pre-human level. …
We present a multimaterial voxel-printing method enabling the physical visualization of data sets commonly associated with scientific imagi…
Vespers is a collection of masks exploring what it means to design (with) life. From the relic of the death mask to a contemporary living d…
The Wanderers were unveiled as part of the exhibition: ‘The Sixth Element: Exploring the Natural Beauty of 3D Printing' on display a…
The control of living systems as part of design interfaces is of interest to both the scientific and design communities due to the ability …
Novel technologies for additive manufacturing are enabling design and production at nature’s scale. We can seamlessly vary the physical pro…
The Digital Construction Environment is the first architectural-scale structure fabricated with the Digital Construction Platform (DCP). U…
The Digital Construction Platform (DCP) is an experimental enabling technology for large-scale digital manufacturing. In contrast to the ty…
The Synthetic Apiary proposes a new kind of environment, bridging urban and organismic scales by exploring one of the most important organi…
Rottlace is a family of masks designed for Icelandic singer-songwriter Björk. Inspired by Björk’s most recent album—Vulnicura—the Mediated …
Optically transparent and structurally sound, glass has played a significant role in the evolution of product and architectural design acro…
How can we design relationships between the most primitive and the most sophisticated life forms? Can we design wearables embedded with s…
This research presents water-based robotic fabrication as a design approach and enabling technology for additive manufacturing (AM) of biod…
Prosthetic sockets belong to a family of orthoic devices designed for amputee rehabilitation and performance augmentation. Although such pr…
Ancient yet modern, enclosing yet invisible, glass was first created in Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt 4,500 years ago. Precise recipes for…
Gemini—an acoustical “twin chaise"—spans multiple scales of the human existence extending from the warmth of the womb to the stretches of…
Computation and fabrication in biology occur in aqueous environments. Through on-chip mixing, analysis, and fabrication, microfluidic chips…
How can biological organisms be incorporated into product, fashion, and architectural design to enable the generation of multi-functional, …
Micro-Macro Fluidic Fabrication (MMFF) enables the control of mechanical properties through the design of non-linear lattices embedded with…
Hydrogels are crosslink polymers that are capable of absorbing great amounts of water. They have been studied during the last 50 years, lar…
We are exploring new modalities of creative photography through robotics and long-exposure photography. Using a robotic arm, a light source…
The device that is proposed is a low cost simplification on the industrial sinking electro-discharge machine. What is proposed is to remo…
Inspired by the success of the fusible alloy clutch utilized in the digitally reconfigurable surface actuation system, we have been looking…
In most �drop-on-demand� inkjet control schemes, a superheated bubble of liquid is used to propel a droplet or a piezoelectric crystal phys…
When synthesizing ceramic powders for use in high-temperature superconductors, the bulk fraction of the synthesized powder that is actually…
A fast moving workplace, calls for... a fast moving workstation! The mobile office is a prototype robotic office fitted with a remote cont…
This project was a weekend exploration of gyroscopic stabilization with application to vehicle control and user interface. Using the well …
Granular materials can be put into a jammed state through the application of pressure to achieve a pseudo-solid material with controllable …
The Additive Lathe is a 3D printer that prints onto rotating objects. It has two degrees of freedom: the first degree is the x-axis that mo…
A collaboration between Professor Christine Ortiz (project lead), Professor Mary C. Boyce, Katia Zolotovsky, and Swati Varshaney (MIT). Ope…
Generating 3D Lichtenberg structures in sintered media (i.e. glass) using electricity offers a new approach to digital fabrication. By robo…
The Digital Construction Platform (DCP) is an in-progress research project consisting of a compound robotic arm system. The system comprise…
A 3D-printed dress was debuted during Paris Fashion Week Spring 2013 as part of collaboration with fashion designer Iris Van Herpen for her…
The Biblical story of the Tower of Babel involved a deliberate plan hatched by mankind to construct a platform from which man could fight G…
The Silk Pavilion explores the relationship between digital and biological fabrication on product and architectural scales.The primary st…
The PCB Origami project is an innovative concept for printing digital materials and creating 3D objects with Rigid-flex PCBs and pick-and-p…
The SpiderBot is a suspended robotic gantry system that provides an easily deployable platform from which to print large structures. The bo…
How can additive fabrication technologies be scaled to building-sized construction? We introduce a novel method of mobile swarm printing th…
Functionally graded materials—materials with spatially varying composition or microstructure—are omnipresent in nature. From palm trees wit…
The digitally reconfigurable surface is a pin matrix apparatus for directly creating rigid 3D surfaces from a computer-aided design (CAD) i…
Carpal Skin is a prototype for a protective glove to protect against Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, a medical condition in which the median nerve …
Beast is an organic-like entity created synthetically by the incorporation of physical parameters into digital form-generation protocols. A…
Raycounting is a method for generating customized light-shading constructions by registering the intensity and orientation of light rays wi…
CNSILK explores the design and fabrication potential of silk fibers–inspired by silkworm cocoons–for the construction of woven habitats. It…
Rapid prototyping technologies speed product design by facilitating visualization and testing of prototypes. However, such machines are lim…
French for "single shell," Monocoque stands for a construction technique that supports structural load using an object's external skin. Con…
The values endorsed by vernacular architecture have traditionally promoted designs constructed and informed by and for the environment, whi…