
Explorando soluciones locales para retos globales: re-imaginando la Costanera de Concepción


Corporacion Ciudades

Corporacion Ciudades

Tuesday — Friday
May 2, 2023 —
May 5, 2023

Exploring Local Solutions to Global Challenges: Reimagining the Costanera de Concepción is an event that encompasses a public program on the Main Stage with input from MIT and regional speakers, and a brainstorming workshop to explore opportunities for planning processes in Biobío communities.

City Science Lab @ Biobío is a collaboration initiated by Corporación Ciudades and the Chilean Chamber of Construction, with the participation of the Regional Government of Concepción and ChileMass. Under the leadership of Marcela Martínez, director of the laboratory, the team strives to imagine a new human-centered future for their communities.

The MIT Media Lab's City Science team aims to enable more livable, equitable, and resilient communities by reimagining urban programming and decision-making, to create the places where people live and work, and the mobility systems that connect us.

Public Presentations

City and science: a new form of urban planning

Tuesday May 2
10:00 am
Aula Magna, University of Development
Av. Plaza 680, Las Condes Santiago

We invite you this Tuesday, May 2, to participate in the Keynote Talk "City and science: a new form of urban planning", given by Luis Alonso, Principal Investigator of the City Science Group MIT and City Lab Biobío, who will share with the attendees the value of City Science Labs in the world and the opportunity for Chile to have the first city laboratory of the MIT network in South America, this is the context of the visit of the MIT Media Lab team to our country.

City Lab Biobío: Sharing new visions to imagine the future of cities

Wednesday, May 3
, 5:00 p.m.
Innovation Building, Universidad del Bío Bío
Collao 1202, Concepción

In the context of the visit of the MIT Media Lab team to Chile, Kent Larson, director of MIT City Science and researchers from the MIT Media Lab, together with the Ciudades Corporation , SimpliCity, Almondale College, El Árbol Foundation and the University of Concepción invite to the conference "City LabBiobío: Sharing new visions to imagine the future of cities", an event open to the community, academics, young people, technicians and professionals to learn about new perspectives on the challenges of urban centers, in order to contribute to generating livable, equitable and sustainable communities.


Kent Larson | Director, MIT City Science group
Marcela Martinez | Director, City Lab Biobío
Martin Andrade | Executive Director,
Luis Alonso Cities Corporation | Principal Investigator, MIT City Science group
Janue Leonhardt | Project Director, SimpliCity
Andres Rico | Researcher, MIT City Science group
Gonzalo Concha | Professor, Almondale
Josefa Sepúlveda School | Student, Colegio Almondale
Gabriela Bila | Researcher, MIT City Science group
Daniela Concha | Directora ejecutiva, Fundacion El Arbol
Naroa Coretti| Researcher, MIT City Science group
Maria Isabel Rivera | Academica, U of. Conception


City Lab Biobío

Concepcion Workshop

Exploring local solutions for global challenges: re-imagining the Costanera de Concepción

Thursday and Friday May 3 and 4
Universidad del Concepción

A two-day exploratory workshop to enable a more habitable, equitable and sustainable Biobío, with research topics in: mobility, public space, security, housing and social inclusion, cultural and recreational life, and environment and health. This event is by invitation only - link to apply below. For more questions write to contacto@citylabbiobio.cl 

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