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MIT Media Lab / Personal Robots group
Personal Robots group
We propose an approach for aligning an LLM- based dialogue agent for long-term social dialogue, where there is only a single global score g…
AI for Wellbeing is a 30-hour curriculum for middle school students exploring conversational AI and design justice through hands-on activit…
S.P.A.R.K.I. (Students' Personal Assistant for Reinforcing Knowledge and Innovation) is a GPT-powered chatbot that scaffolds children's wo…
Today’s artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are changing how many people play, work, learn, and govern themselves. Due to this rapid …
With the advent of real-time photorealism (RTPR), virtual environments are now able to achieve higher degrees of engagement than ever befor…
Depending on the operational environment of an autonomous system, a great deal of perceptual uncertainty may be introduced to an object det…
Navigation for autonomous UAVS (unmanned aerial vehicles) is a complex problem and physical field testing of associated tasks introduces a …
Many tasks are not easily defined and/or too complex for supervised machine learning approaches. For these reasons, a technique known as&nb…
Instructed learning is ever-present throughout our lives. An element of it, How-To questions, (e.g., “How do I cook rice?”, “How do I write…
We developed an automatic code analysis tool, LevelUp, to support educators and learners and built it into a block-based programming platfo…
By exploring intersectionality as a concept and as a practice, students use data storytelling to understand their lives and experiences.&nb…
Globally, depression affects more than 264 million people of all ages, and is a leading cause of disability worldwide. Several interactive …
#ZoomADay was a year long project exploring the creation and use of synthetic characters and deep fakes for use in online telepresence and …
Children’s oral language skills in preschool can predict their academic success later in life. Helping children improve their language and …
This Primary School AI curriculum introduces elementary school children to robotics and artificial intelligence. Throughout the curriculum,…
We live in a world of personified conversational assistants (agents). We interact with these agents in our daily lives such as smart speake…
How can we add the missing "T" and "E" in preschool STEAM education?
Machines powered by artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly mediate our social, cultural, economic, and …
A significant number of college students suffer from mental health issues that impact their physical, social, and occupa…
Empathy is a core human skill. From early stages of our lives, being able to understand and behave with empathy is fundamental to our socia…
Can we enable social connectivity between astronauts and people on Earth through an embodied agent?Astronauts actively communicate with the…
A social robot modifies its behavior to change what you think about it!
Machine learning model outperforms human judgementOur computational trust model is capable of predicting—above human accuracy—the degree of…
Emotionally supportive robots improve overall team functioning!
Emotion recognition modeled as a goal-directed process!
Unconventional mixing of research fields introduces a new method to study human behavior using social robots.
Creating long-term interpersonal interaction and shared experiences with social robots Many of our current projects explore the use of…
The Huggable is a new type of robotic companion for health care, education, and social communication applications. The Huggable is much mor…
Prior research with preschool children has established that book reading, especially when children are encouraged to actively process the s…
Conversational agents and intelligent toys are present in children's homes and influence their development. The introduction of these devic…
When learning from human partners, infants and young children will pay attention to nonverbal signals, such as gaze and bodily orientation,…
The Social Robot Toolkit aims to provide a platform for children to learn through playful interaction. The social robot (Soro) toolkit allo…
Can you feel empathy for a robot? The electric parrot project is about designing a robot that can engender empathy. For this we are constru…
We developed a smartphone application that detects users’ affect and provides personalized positive psychology interventions in order to en…
SHARE is a robotic cognitive architecture focused on manipulating and understanding the phenomenon of shared attention during interaction. …
Can robots learn to be social? Can they do that in a structured way? This project uses the DragonBot platform and state-of-the-art artifici…
One of the most fundamental and important characteristics of children is their curiosity. Can an interaction with a robot elicit, guide, an…
Drivers spend a significant amount of time multi-tasking while they are behind the wheel, especially parent drivers that attend to child pa…
The language and literacy skills of young children entering school are highly predictive of their long-term academic success. Children from…
Like people, dogs and cats live among technologies that affect their lives. Yet little of this technology has been designed with pets in mi…
To serve us well, robots and other agents must understand our needs and how to fulfill them. To that end, our research develops robots that…
Our mission is to develop the computational techniques that will enable the design, implementation, and evaluation of "relational" robots, …
Mind-Theoretic Planning (MTP) is a technique for robots to plan in social domains. This system takes into account probability distributions…
DragonBot is a new platform built to support long-term interactions between children and robots. The robot runs entirely on an Android cell…
Imagine opening your eyes and being awake for only half an hour at a time. This is the life that robots traditionally live. This is due to …
Young children learn language not through listening alone, but through active communication with a social actor. Cultural immersion and con…
TinkRBook is a storytelling system that introduces a new concept of reading, called textual tinkerability. Textual tinkerability uses story…
Drivers spend a significant amount of time multi-tasking while they are behind the wheel. These dangerous behaviors, particularly texting w…
LightSwarm is a platform for interaction between humans and swarm robots. Swarm robots are implemented as augmented-reality agents that com…
Can a robot and magician collaborate on stage to create a believable, evocative performance? Close human-robot proximity and coordination o…
We are investigating e-textiles and fiber-electronics to develop unique soft-architecture robotic components. We have been developing large…
Two robot arms are in constant motion and hard at work. From a distance, they can be seen considering their tasks, communicating with each …
In robotics, the emerging field of electronic textiles and fiber-electronics represents a shift in morphology from hard and rigid mechatron…
Using the Preschool of the Future environment, children can create stories that come to life in the real world. We are developing interface…
As robots become more and more capable, we will begin to invite them into our daily lives. There have been few examples of mobile robots ab…
Many new applications for robots require them to work alongside people as capable members of human-robot teams. We have developed Mars Esc…
The digital revolution has fundamentally changed our lives. Multimedia content-creation tools allow us to instantiate and share ideas easil…
I/O Stickers is an electronics construction kit made up of adhesive sensors and actuators. Users can place these special electronic sticker…
TeleScrapbook and TelePostcard are pairs of wirelessly connected electronic scrapbooks and electronic greeting cards, respectively. These e…
The Alphabots are trans-fictional(xF) mobile and modular semi-autonomous robotic symbol set characters designed to play with preschool aged…
Inspired by the Surrealists' Exquisite Corpse art game, the NeverEnding Drawing project is one of several applications developed on a scala…
The 3DprintedClock project is the result of ready-assembled 3D printed computational mechanisms, and is related to research in the fields o…
We are studying and implementing a swarm of 36 holonomic-drive robots for use in an upcoming robotic opera. Each robot will eventually comp…
C5 is our fourth-generation behavior architecture. It has been re-architected and fully documented. Our intention is to use C5 as a toolkit…