We are pleased to introduce the newest member of the City Science Network, Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Vietnam. As part of this collaboration,…
This is an open source geospatial exploration tool. Using various public APIs including Open Street Map and the United States Census, we ca…
This project focused on pedestrian accessibility in collaboration with Singapore Centre for Liveable Cities. Researchers and planners came …
This project is part of a parallel research endeavor with GSK Manufacturing. By simulating how scientists at the Upper Providence site inte…
This project is the first of two projects in collaboration with GSK. We are developing a computational simulation that allows a human user …
Cities around the world are striving to improve livability by way of reducing dependency on fossil-fuels cars. How might we leverage the au…
RePlace is a 3D data visualization platform that takes the normally invisible activity of sensors and data loggers and overlays that inform…
Planning a city is a complex task requiring collaboration between multiple stakeholders with different, and often conflicting, goals and ob…
We recently led a workshop in Saudi Arabia, with staff from the Riyadh Development Authority, to test a new version of our CityScope platfo…
Real-time geospatial data is visualized on an exhibition-scale 3D city model. The model is built of LEGO bricks, and visualization is perfo…
We demonstrate how the CityHome, which has a very small footprint, can function as an apartment two to three times that size. This is achie…
The robotic facade is conceived as a mass-customizable module that combines solar control, heating, cooling, ventilation, and other functio…
Designed as a platform to enable rich contextual data collection in real homes, BoxLab uses a broad array of wireless sensing devices to st…
Mobility on Demand (MoD) systems are fleets of lightweight electric vehicles at strategically distributed electrical charging stations thro…
MITes (MIT environmental sensors) are low-cost, wireless devices for collecting data about human behavior and the state of the environment.…
The "Barcelona" demo is an independent prototype designed to model and simulate human interactions within a Barcelona-like urban environmen…
By 2030, nine billion people will populate the globe and six out of every 10 will live in cities. The future of global food production will…
This project investigates soft mechanisms, origami, and fashion. We created a modified Miura-fold skirt that changes shape through pneumati…
QuitoLab will incorporate both architectural and CityScope LEGO models of the historic core of Quito to engage local and visiting communiti…
The CityCar electric automobile, developed and prototyped by Smart Cities, is designed to meet the demand for enclosed personal mobility – …
Air and water pollution are well-known concerns in cities throughout the world. However, communities often lack practical tools to measure …
The City Science group is collaborating on several projects in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to the project pages linked b…
Aalto University, Finland, and the MIT Media Lab’s City Science group are co-developing a version of the MIT CityScope platform for urban a…
Memento is a home-based reminder system that allows users to associate customized voice reminders with specific activities in their daily l…